Hoss Selections for Charity (Cuts Direct)

Next offering is coming via @JustANobody. He was kind enough to get me some cuts to make available for charity.

Blockberry Breeder Cut (Not MobileJays Superboof)

Smell: Grapefruit/Orange Rind
Taste: Grapefruit/Orange Rind
Medium: Organic soil
Flower time: Chopped at day 59
I am told her range 60-65 days.

“Blockberry is an easy to grow vigorous plant. She is coated in trichomes and smokes as good as she looks. Blockberry has a very nice calming high, that doesn’t knock out, while bringing on a full body high. Cuttings root very easily.”

This one will come along with a rooted Halle Berry as well.

Price is $65 shipped for the pair, which breaks down to 15 shipping and a donation of $50.

The charity for this one will be made as a food donation of groceries to some of the community fridges set up by this organization: