Hoss Selections for Charity (Cuts Direct)

New offering!

Corey Haim Stardawg

I’ve run this girl alot for a couple years. Sourced from GMOHouseOfClones (who also procured the testing & results.) And she’s top 3 for me.

Burned rubber, Chem gas FUNK. The low end funk to me is kinda like an Egg Mcmuffin. High is really potent cerebral fire extinguisher kind of thing. Wrecks my short term memory in excess. Definitely a heavy hitter. Really shines in the garden. She’s a little bit light sensitive and will thrive on a border to produce well. She’s one of those all around star plants, and she breeds exceptionally.

One of her only flaws is that the flower does oxidize fast after harvest (trait from both sides of her lineage.)

Only have 1 available at the moment. Donation will be a buyers choice between The Faison Center & SPCA Veterinary Hospital.

$50, which breaks down to a donation of $40 and $10 for shipping inside the US. As always, please message me before donation to reserve.