Hoss Selections for Charity (Cuts Direct)

New offering!

Corey Haim Stardawg

I’ve run this girl alot for a couple years. Sourced from GMOHouseOfClones (who also procured the testing & results.) And she’s top 3 for me.

Burned rubber, Chem gas FUNK. The low end funk to me is kinda like an Egg Mcmuffin. High is really potent cerebral fire extinguisher kind of thing. Wrecks my short term memory in excess. Definitely a heavy hitter. Really shines in the garden. She’s a little bit light sensitive and will thrive on a border to produce well. She’s one of those all around star plants, and she breeds exceptionally.

One of her only flaws is that the flower does oxidize fast after harvest (trait from both sides of her lineage.)

Only have 1 available at the moment. Donation will be a buyers choice between The Faison Center & SPCA Veterinary Hospital.

$50, which breaks down to a donation of $40 and $10 for shipping inside the US. As always, please message me before donation to reserve.


In addition to the offering above, I wanted to make another.

I am very thankful to the user who bought my [dealers choice + RIL D line] bundle, as it enabled be to be able to drop off another plant to the lab this morning. (It’s something I’ve made available on here and some of you have grabbed so watch for results next week.)

I still have a couple things I’d love to get tested so this offer will go towards potency/terpene lab testing, NOT charity.

It’s gonna be a mother and daughter special of my Corey Heime #2 & Corey Stardawg.

Write Up for Corey Heime #2: Hoss Selections for Charity (Cuts Direct) - #3 by hoss8455

Write Up for Corey Stardawg: Hoss Selections for Charity (Cuts Direct) - #121 by hoss8455

Total is $100 shipped.


Why don’t I P/P YOU the $100? I can add those two to the Summer Lineup. If agreeable, PM your P/P info. You can donate as you wish!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This brings a smile to my face. Big respect to @hoss8455 and @misterbee

Keep doing what you both are doing



Dang that makes my mouth water🤤


Don’t make me ruin the surprise you’re gonna get, and tell you what’s incoming. @SunGrown


I like surprises! Don’t tell.


The giving spirit is strong here. I can feel the force.

My wife’s name is Corey so some of these beans would be great.
I could tell her they named a strain after her and get lucky. :grinning:




Damn i covered the clone labels. :joy::rofl::joy:


What a haul! Very nice


Boss Hoss kicking some ass!


707 Catpiss

The only thing that doesn’t scream old school about this one is the trichome coverage! Not much sharp ammonia or piss, the nose on this one is a smooth/rounded pineapple orange Julius kind of thing. Very enjoyable. Fairly pungent nose but not much transfer to taste at all. Doesn’t taste like ashy earth but it doesn’t taste like pineapple. Very light green and uniform in color.
Nice balanced high. Body and cerebral relief with a fairly fast onset beginning behind the eyes. I did feel the high was a bit calmer than my heavy OG & Chem hybrids, but testers didn’t really share that sentiment. I got back reports of “it’s a very good high, it hits you in the face” and “that catpiss if fire, but apparently it BURNT my eyes.” That last one referring to how red it made his eyes at work.
As for how she grows… it’s a doozy. No stretch and very slow. And she’s so stacked. That she requires alot of pruning and attention with the fiskars. She can throw 4 double sided nodes on 1 inch of branching. It’s not a fussy plant nutrient or light wise, she just has her own character. Takes a long time to veg out right but it will produce solid colas as long as the plant, dank enough to convince you to do it all over again.

The way this plant grows, it’s definitely not easy producing clones of her. So there won’t me too many offered but I’ve got one available today. It’s going to be apart of another package deal and the funds will go towards terpene/canabinoid testing the 707 Catpiss.



Surprised this is still available. :drooling_face:


Healthy cuts! :+1:


His LA Pure Kush is a BUSH even neglected in a corner. I need to up pot her, she looks to be a beast.


Here is my LAPK @JustANobody
Both of these look awesome.
Thank you @hoss8455


Both look great dude!

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You be sure to put me on your List for NEXT MONTH/MAY. Don’t mind helping you out, Donors also profit. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am very interested in exchanging for pink mango seeds (Landrace Brazil)

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