How do you clean up after open pollination?

Me =

Plan A = Best case scenario.
Plan C = Everything is fucked scenario.
Plan B = A mix of both depending on what’s going on.

Thanks y’all for helping me (all of us really) with planning ahead! :heart:


There is always fire. I hear pollen doesn’t like fire. Burn it down, start anew, be cleansed.

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Was going to PM you about the pollen I sent you. Its not viable. I harvested the plants I dusted branches on today, not a seed to be found. Sorry bud.

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DRATS!! I was waiting until I got Cookieland pollen from a few sources before I put yours to use. DAMN!!! But also, AWESOME to know that, @Floyd. Thanks very much for letting me know!


No problem. And again sorry it didn’t work out.

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For you, too, @Floyd. And your male was so beautiful; it’s a shame he was shootin’ blanks! :laughing:

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So I had a plant go intersex on me last fall in my tent. I was too green to know the signs and I caught it too late and some of the nanners popped and pollinated all my plants. The next 2 runs after that came out seeded!! Even though I blasted the tent with air, water, bleach cleaner, etc etc. Anyway I got this “UVC Germicidal Bulb” from Amazon and left it on a timer in the tent for an hour or so. You’re not supposed to expose your eyes or skin to it for any length of time. Anyway, all my crops after that have come out clean. It kills pollen and a bunch of other stuff… Could be something to consider.

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I just go in with a water in a spay bottle.


Also very effective!

I guess you could make it fun and load up a super soaker


The guys said to spray everything with water than let set a few days. I wasn’t taking any chance after the MMH hermid. I took the cover off the filter and thru in water and also the fabric pot. Took everything out of the flower and washed. I used bleach water as I wanted everything clean :grin:

:green_heart: :seedling:



I have a half gallon pump up sprayer that I hose everything down with. It’s much faster than a hand spray bottle. Then I put an small electric heater in the tent. Itgoes up to about 50 degrees, then hold that for 20 minutes or so. Then with the same sprayer with 2 vinegar to 1 water…hose it down again. That will generally leave it clean from just about any ailment. Vinegar outperforms bleach every time.


C or F

:green_heart: :seedling:

I would use the same as to kill remaining spider mites and eggs in an empty tent: portable steam machine ejem|nullxnull, it reaches everywhere … beer3|nullxnull


Do you happen to have a journal anywhere of how you do your pollinations? 4 months tentatively and I’ll be needing to do lots of breeding work I’m trying to start research on

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Not really a journal, but I did post about it in another thread. Here’s where it starts (if you have questions, PM me!):