Harvested 2 JOTI Plants & Got ALMOST 10 Grams...Is That Good?

Check out my new sex tool…

Yup - a makeup brush! I’ve seen people using paint brushes and QTips, and I’ve used both in the past, but I had an A-HA! moment last week on the day I planned to pollinate. I thought a softer brush would be better than any of the paint brushes I had, and a makeup brush was the first thing that came to mind. I needed a clean one and finally made it to the store today to get one. It’s perfect! I’ll never use anything else when I pollinate by hand.

So now the countdown to seeds officially begins…

BTW - here are some more bud pics of the same strain of GSC that’s being used. I posted dried bud shots of it, but these were taken today from buds that I chopped (or will be chopping in the next few days).