How do you clone?


sandwich bag, clonex, and maybe 1 water change. when I am cleaning up the canopy or pruning for light… I just label a baggie add a little water and set them to the side. 2 weeks or when remembered I have roots


I’m jealous…I thought mine was the lazy man’s technique…I was wrong. Definitely gonna give this a try. Any light?

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yes on the light. they are sitting out the way in which ever tent I was working in. since clones need low light until roots develop, I just clip some branches thats below the canopy, bag them and they love the below the canopy light.


also @Tappy when I see first sign of roots, the clones thats going in soil, if I dont have pot or cup I do this

then is right back in the tent and I get some very good root growth from this method until I decide if I want to put it in a cup or give them away


Cuttings I took for someone couple of days ago, and rooted from maybe 6 weeks -2 months for someone else

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Sorry didn’t add


great job! everyone looks healthy and you will have great crop im sure.


I try to keep everything low budget just so I can make things a little harder for myself.

I clone my cuts by first getting the cut, cutting the stem down the middle by about 1/2 inch give or take and I throw it in a red Solo cup filled with just enough water to submerge the cut stem. Depending on. Your tap water, you can change the water daily, every other day, or just forget it for a week or two and you’ll get roots. I also have them sitting on a heat mat currently since the temps are dropping in my area and the heat helps. I move them into clear cups sitting in a solo cup later to observe the rooting. For light source, I throw them by the window. Doesnt need to be directly in front of the window since some strains find window sunlight a bit strong.

Some day I will pay for an easier solution but this works if you don’t want anything extra going into you cuts.


I gifted them to another grower for nothing on condition that I can get a clone back sometime early next year.
If plans go right which is never always, I’ll be away for a couple of weeks early next year and give away the one remaining clone I kept.
My bubble cloner only holds seven and have to employ extreme stealth here so am happy got one.
The one I have is still my favourite but may yield less than the other pheno. But terpenes are amazing and is denser

Extreme stealth rules! Hey bob do you think this is a place that weed is growing in? >Funk junkie throws smoke bomb at the ground like Master Splinter<


and the entire grow house dissapears when the smoke clears.

Oh fucking never mind Bob I guess I was just full of shit no one grows weed that’s just a harmless goofabout…


Peat pellets


I have lost crops from peat pellets I didn’t even use that were in the room and had spider mites in them. I guess you know where to get them or do something to them when you get them but after that I will never use again.

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update @Tappy

this 3 days after showing root nubs. placed in the soil sandwich bag and now we have roots that i can transfer to a cup. super easy i also re use soil and sandwhich bag lol


Awesome!! Not sure why, but I love it!!! What do you call this technique?

Would love to gift a buddy some clones in a bag…lol…he would get a kick out of it!!


@Tappy here he here he i know dubbed thee and coin the phrase “modicum’s zip-lock cloning”
give it a little while and ill lay some clones side ways in the bag almost soil level roll the bag up gently and see how they do in 5 days of dark to see how it will work in the male maybe in a poster cardboard tube or something.


I’ve been unsuccsesfull on my last few cloning attemps. Wondering if anyone has some good advice. I’ve had great luck in past years but now am having problems.
I am using GH plugs (rapid routers?) In a little mini greenhouse tray with dome, plus an 80 degree warmer pad, and CloneX gel. Getting white fungus/mold and wilt at about 5 days.
Have cut down the leaves and spray misted once per day also.
Before hand I cleaned out the some with soap and water.
Maybe I need to use alcahol?
I also tried in coco with no luck.
Any good thoughts?


Don’t spray the plants directly with plain water, use a little P in it to help the plant. If you’re getting the white mold you need more airflow and a little less heat.


Drinking isn’t gonna help. Will only make matters worse. :laughing:


Sounds like they might be too wet. Just lightly mist only the dome for the first 1-3 days, don’t spray the plants themselves. If there’s mist on the dome I don’t spray at all, humidity is already 90% or more in there anyways… sometimes I even wipe the dome down with a paper towel if its covered in drops.

Also helps to open the dome once or twice a day and fan some fresh air in there.