How do you keep your cat away from your tent?


Just had a cat visitor gobble up 4-5 seedlings a week ago, had no idea the little shite would eat my weed . She was only here for 5 hours too(I was babysitting) guess now I know (never had a cat myself) but have a dog


My only defense aginst our cats is to yell and run to the back room if I hear any tent scratching lol. I also saw some cat prints on top of a smaller tent the other day, so 1 of them has explored up there it seems… Little shits…Lol!


Get a vicious anti-cat dog perhaps?

My dog is totally uninterested in my plants.


I dont allow her in the basement lol

We have 3 cats. 2 are Maine Coons.
1 of the Coons loves weed. The other 2?..they could care less. If I put a plant on the kitchen island to look at something?..60secs and she’s there, starting to chew the leaves. We have a living room FULL of plants. Cats LOVE spider plants. We have many, they chew on them all the time. But the one, LuLu, if there’s a weed plant around, she’s chewing on it.



That is right up there with my rugger .22. (jk folks but somebody had to say it)

:green_heart: :seedling:


I have 2 dogs and they could care less about my plants also.

The only problem is they are interested in the decomposing material on the top of my SIP’s.
I heard an unusual noise the other day while in the outdoor garden and my Shepherd, in a blink of an eye, had turned one of my smaller plants on its side, ripped open the plastic cover and was eating the lettuce, mangos etc… I had just put in there for the worms.

Needless to say, I now have one very small plant and a bunch of clones…

I am taking this as a sign I and needing to make seeds with her now that I have all these little guys… Looks like I am going to have some (Dosidos X Sunset Sherbet) seeds in the future. Darn :dog2:… If I blame it on the :dog2: I can’t be held responsible… :wink:

Looks like I am going to have to make another trip over to

Oh and because this thread is a about cats I would like to add that I caught one of my cats eating a seedling the other day also.

And… a bit of advise. Don’t leave an empty pot filled with dirt outside. The cats are drawn to it and they think it is a litter box. You live and learn :v:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


How to keep cats away? Snakes and fire.

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I’m new. But. Can you get balloons blow them up and tape to the outside of the wall? Or get sticky tape Velcro cut to one inch. Pieces put one side on the tent half way up. Do to all of them. From one corner to the next and the next. Imagine a dotted line cut here type. Then the other piece attach to a clip. You can then clip ballon’s. Or tinfoil. Or whatever else the cats hate. Also they make a garden spray that’s supposed to scare them off.


Fantastic idea.
Welcome on board!


Take a plastic carpet runner with the spikes on it and reverse it

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My cat hates the smell of oranges. Build a moat around the tent full of orange zest & juice.


This is genius. GENUIS.


Welcome to OG @BeeLady


I saw that someone suggested double-sided tape… Double sided sticky tape might make it hard for you to walk on too…. Crinkle up heavy duty foil and tape a row around the perimeter… cats hate the feel of foil on their paws and you can step on it with you shoes without any problems…, easy and cheap to replace if it gets torn or dirty. Also works on other surfaces (like the top of a piano, for example),

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Ever heard of general tsos?

I’m 100% kidding I love my cat :joy:.

I mean basically just keep your the room door closed :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:. If that’s not possible then I’d set up some sort of barrier because cats love this shit for some reason lol!

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thanks lol… i live on 10 acres… i deal with all kinds of critters and we have cats too lol so I have a lot of experience keeping cats away from plants.

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ty for the welcome!

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