How do you remove odors/clean jars? for storing or curing

what strain is next? shattered drywall? :joy:

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Check out the terps of this Rancid Fish Head!

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yo that rotten snake tail was the bomb lmao

You can remove spray sealer but it takes time and patience plus jars won’t then be 100% sealed etc ( won’t hold rh well , for long term storage )

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that surstromming kush is pretty sedative too, kind of stingy in the nose though

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Sometimes I wash 'em, sometimes I use 99% alcohol, other times I let them share terps :smiley:


Just like when we make jelly or can stuff, we always add some vinegar 5% acidic, to the boiling water, it keeps your jars from getting a white coating that minerals can leave behind.
Cleans the jars innards also very well.

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Absolutely, jars in dishwasher, fabric pots in the washing machine :wink:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Newspaper in the jar closed over night is supposed to be an old wise tail. It does work. Quite well actually. The problem no body is understanding is plastic/rubber is porous. Meaning it can and will trap bacteria and other contaminants containing Oder. Pickle. Throw that away man. You’re fighting dragons with your bare hands hungry. Pickle is the absolute worst.

Classico marinaras jars are spin to tight with rubber grommets and smell washes away with ease. But if I may give a tiny bit of advice. Grove bags are cheaper than mason or kern. Just shipping is fucked up. But no burping. Just dry normal. Fill bag. And close it. Forget it.


Dishwasher will always do the job and a few tablespoons of Clorox. :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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