How do *you* store your seeds?

Yessir the woman wanted an upgraded fridge so she got her french door fridge in the house and now this sum bish is mine in the garage. I used to be in a mini fridge lol UPGRADE! Plus the freezer is perfect for my pollen and bags of trim! Did I need it? no. Did I want it? HELL YES!


Where did you find such a small frig I love it


Killed two birdz with one Stone did you.Your a Gentleman and a Scholar.


I hate those French door fridges. Everytime I open the wrong door. Every. Damn. Time.


just lookup peltier/thermoelectric fridge.


This question has created a ton of threads here, I would just search seed storage. You will be tired of reading about it by the time you make it to the end of the list of threads, lol.


edit - i had gotten it on sale. its a little more than I would pay at the moment :slight_smile:


Thank You , I will definitely be checking them out, Wife is ready to shoot me LOL


@other_barry that little fridge is dope! And it can heat stuff up! I have a portable cooler that plugs in but this is way cooler, nice


with those little peltier fridges, just be aware they work off ambient temperature and only cool/heat up to about 20-30 degrees. so if you have this in a warmer area it may only cool down to about 60, a fridge is normally set to at least 40degrees.


I set mine to 45 and its been able to hold steady there so far. I usually try to keep my AC around 72.


Yeah that’s right in the 30degree temperature differential. As long as it’s not in a hot garage or room. Happy growing, nice setup.


They make refrigerators and freezers rated to those types of uncontrolled environments that work great. My freezer and are extra refrigerator are both in are Florida room where it gets hot and cold, so far 17 years later it’s all good no problems at all.

Of course anything with a compressor. Not a peltier device!

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What is a peltier device anyway? :flushed:

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Man, @Gonzo @other_barry we have pretty similar tastes :rofl:

I added the packs of water to keep the temp more stable. It’s not super cold, about 40F, but should be better than room temperature for long term storage. The bubble mylar also helps with the temperature stability.

Thermoelectric coolers or peltier devices are solid state heat pumps, and there’s a finite amount of temperature difference they can create. Compressor systems can move more heat but are larger and more expensive (new anyway). I just did the best that could easily be done with my $20 Walmart seed storage special :rofl:


Got you, daughter had one and now it’s in the wife’s office. I don’t think they are intended for non climate controlled area. :joy::joy::joy:

I did not know they were referred to as a peltier system for cold management? :roll_eyes:


This is what’s inside


I’ll start by saying that yes, I’m sure there is science that backs up / undermines this, I haven’t looked haha. But I think a big part of seed germinating is heat cycling. Imagine a seed, laying in the mud under last years plant. You have two signals to start, moisture and heat. During the day the sun heats the soil a few degrees, at night it drops back down. Repeat. Add moisture and beans start popping. I try to heat cycle any seeds I start to simulate this, and have pretty good luck poppin beans.

Now, how is that relevant to seed storage?

I have always focused on keeping my beans in as stable an environment as possible, bagged, in a lens case, in a cooler in the basement, in the far corner, off the floor. Temp barely changes in that cooler on the day to day, but obviously has seasonal shifts, and is close to room temp.

I recently bought a mini fridge, a normal compressor one, without the freezer. I decided to check the temp swing before I put my beans in there, and I’m very happy I did. Set to the warmest setting, if would float like crazy, and dip well below freezing. And it would cycle a couple times a day. So every day, multiple freeze and thaw cycles. Very much not what I was shooting for haha.

So I threw an ink bird on there to control the temp better. Had it set to 45*. Compressor would start at 46, and shut off at 45, but the amount of refrigerant that was compressed by that point was enough to carry it down to like 34*. Still a big temp swing.

So I put a cooler in the fridge. The temp inside the cooler only shifts, at most, .2*. I consider this a success, and am going to start filling the cooler. But had I just gone “seed fridge!” and stuffed it, I bet I would be one sorry sob before too long.

Also, talking about the solid state fridges and how their temps are relative to the ambient. It is not exactly the same thing, but some compressor fridges do have ambient temp limits. For example, the low temp for the mini fridge I bought is 50*. My basement floor is under that, or was when I brought the thing home a month or so ago. As the floor warms up, I am seeing the fridge temp stabilize. Not so much that I would feel comfortable without the cooler though. But enough to show me that the ambient temp really does impact it.

Sorry about the long winded ness, but this has been picking at me for a while, and this seems like the place to unload it.


To stabilize the temp swings add some thermal mass, water bottles, coke cans.

I use an aggregate approach - insulation + thermal mass for good stability with a cheapo mini-cooler.