How long do you let plants go when making seed?

6 Weeks from the time the pollen was dropped onto them… watch your calyx’s… as the seeds get really ripe they will try to push their way out and drop…


I like to let them go longer then normal for flower , it’s best to see a few starting to come out of the seed casing on there own , when they start to fall out on there own they are as good as there going to get. If you do a light pollination early on the beans will be inside the nugs and this won’t work as well , but I like to see them in full senescence.


It can be strain specific also , the paki chitral kush were more then ready to smoke at 7-8 weeks but the seeds were not dark till week 10 so I let them go two more weeks after that, they never showed themselves.
The lavender I grew were dropping seeds before the buds and trichomes were mature.
Always check for seed maturity before chopping the whole thing down.


I recently chopped some a bit premature because I was going away for 3 weeks. They turned out fine.

I let them dry for 3 weeks out of necessity - but fine.

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i always cured and dried it like normal and picked the seeds out. the smoke still gets you high and there is no reason whatsoever to waste it. hell, at the very least you know someone who gets shitty weed that would love the gift. but then again i used the males to make edibles also, waste not want not. the pollen gets you high as hell with edibles, and even smoking the pollen sacks works some, although not nearly as good but better than leaf pot.


Great topic @Ottafish!

And timely for me right now as I have six different seeded plants nearing harvest.

In the past I waited until seeds were visibly emerging, then I started plucking a seed or two every day until I stopped finding white or immature seeds.

After that, cut the whole plant and dry it over a tarp to catch any escapees. Finally cure the newly shucked seeds in the reefer for a week.

That approach resulted in a 95% successful germination rate.

Best of luck,


My seeded plants:

I always add a few weeks or wait until the plant is begging to die.



After shucking seeds im left with mostly tiny little pieces which I then turn into dry sift. Works good.


Just for a time line, I flipped my current Blue Kush run on Jan 2nd so they are going into week 10 :slight_smile:


I let them go as long as possible. Definitely a week longer than I think when they could be ready.

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To the death. Exactly the beginning of the senescence.


When the very top seed and the very bottom seed are done…it’s ready :joy::rofl:


I typically let them go as long as possible and sometimes that means 10-12 weeks . A lot of them are done at 7 but but if I have the room I let them go. I get a higher ratio of good seeds and some verities really spread out their ripening . Another reason is I heavily seed my seed moms. If you are just wanting a few per bud they develop a lot faster since the plant seems to focus its energy on them.


if it dries. after harvest let em begin to dry n take bout when could drop or could shake off
its a plant thing.

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The longer you let them go the more energy reserves they build up so they have much better storage and germination potential then seeds that are pulled as soon as they “look mature”.
In nature they would stay on the plant until the dead plant dried out and dropped them on the ground. Nature knows itself a lot better then we ever will.


Exactly my thoughts as well