How Many Packs is Too Many Packs

Anyone need help getting rid of a few packs, I’m always accepting or willing to trade for a few. I have the space and time to grow every last one. Authentic Jamaican landrace beans are available for trade in amounts of 20-50, sent out just like this.

PM me with what you got and we can make something happen ASAP. :+1:t5:


@jaws you always make me feel better about myself :grinning: In my defense I will note not all mine are full packs as you can see from a few of these. Ah, now that makes me feel better ha ha.

Seed list


This was my Skyrim/Fallout inventory management discipline - don’t want to get overencumbered because of a senseless, unmanaged hoard


Exactly! :laughing:

Unmanaged hoard, lol.
Boy do I miss gettin me a Skyrim job.


No such thing as too much seeds. Your list looks like a life goal for the real passionate :sparkles: please keep on making and gathering :blush:


Still trying to hold off on buying more seeds, but I did pick-up a minifridge the other day and moved everything over. Nice to have that bin in the kitchen fridge back.


That is so funny :rofl:! My wife just bought me a new mini fridge at a yard sale in the box never used for $25.00, I think :thinking: she wants the drawer back I occupy in our fridge. :joy::joy::joy: :wink::facepunch::+1::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Every year I’ll keep one or two good males of whatever I’m working on and dust everything I have going …very quickly I’ve managed to build a collection of thousands of seeds.
Sadly for trading or giveaways my 3rd world mailing system is completely broken and very little I’ve tried sending // or anything coming to me rarely makes it…but the feeling of opening the fridge and having so many options//possibilities on hand for free to me is literally priceless…would be even nicer if I could share more but ay it is what it is…
Seed hoarder for life…
Keep on keeping on …:metal:t3:



My wife complained every now and again (worse recently because it’s CSA season and we get inundated with vegetables every week), so I’d already been looking for a minifridge without mentioning it to her. Last week she reached the breaking point and flat out told me to buy a minifridge and get my seed collection out of the fridge.


@yardgrazer i’m thinking about getting a mini fridge myself for out in the garage.

How long is too long to store seeds in a desk drawer before putting them away in refrigeration? :thinking:

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I’ve read in the antiquated old time hemp publications, I believe it was Dewey who noted, seeds begin to lose viability after a year of storage.

These days with modern indoor climate control compared to the early 1900’s I would expect that figure to expand a bit to include: 1-5 years on average depending on environmental factors. Figures as large as 5-10+ years could be had if the environmental conditions are significantly favorable, but would be rare in my opinion.

Also I think it’s worth noting when selecting a fridge intended for a garage, if the garage temps approach and surpass 80-90 degrees regularly I think it would be recommended to double check the manufacturer recommended ambient temperature for operation of whichever model you are interested in. Large full size refrigerators can often operate across hotter ambient temperatures than smaller mini fridges as per manufacturers recommendations. Many blessings and much love


Excellent info, thanks @Sbeanonnamellow :+1:
I’m fresh outta likes :green_heart:

Cool, so my interpretation is that there is some leeway for having them stored at room temperature for a time before going into cold storage. If that’s the case then I’m good because my seeds have been stored room temp for a few months at most.

Do you know how long pollen stays viable at room temp? Just realized that I received some during the summer and haven’t put it in the fridge yet.

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From what I’ve read the factors that chiefly influence seed viability are temperature as well as the changes in temperature and humidity. Colder storage environments slow metabolic rates and warmer storage environments use up internal stores quicker due to increased metabolic rates compared to cooler storage environments.

If the temperature swings then that will similarly influence the metabolic rate. If the temperature swings are gentle and on the cooler side, like in a fridge that’s occasionally opened then metabolic rates slow enough where energy stores in the seed remain viable regularly for up to 15 and possibly longer than 25+ years with cannabis seeds.

A house set to 70 in a cold climate compared to a house set to 79 in a warm climate will have different influence on the metabolic rate of seeds using their internal energy reserves. Drastic swings of large differences of temperature and relative humidity seem to drain the energy stores within seeds the quickest. For example, non conditioned spaces where ambient temperature can swing as much as 25+ degrees in a single day, day after day, week after week.

A couple months, even outside without climate control doesn’t seem to pose much issue as it relates to viability. It could take about that long to get to an idealized moisture content in of itself so shouldn’t be an issue for your seeds that are a few months old. A year starts to push it according to the literature, I think it says approximately up to 25-50% viability affected in the second and third years of storage. A few months you should be ok even if stored outdoors though not ideal.

I believe I’ve read as low as 6% moisture content and as high as 12% as recommended for storage, so probably has something to do with seed size and embryo composition. Hope that’s helpful to you and others. Many blessings and much love


Lol iv only got maybe 5 strains havnt had time to collect any i can only wish i had a small portion of what you and a couple others have. With that said you can never have enough

Seed packs sometimes ( usually every time as parents get lost etc and lineages change wether breeders tell you or not , 90% dont let you know) change and the new version not as good, so if it really is special to you its definitely a good idea to have a pack or 2 saved in the fridge of your favourite varieties.

Seeds last 10 plus years in the fridge