How Much CBD Should I Take?

oh what? I have to get baked before bed if I’m wanting to just pass out and have a good night’s sleep. Put some SSDD in the bowl, maybe some CBD flower in there too, @vernal’s Garland… :ok_hand:

Psilo’s will keep me up for hours until it all wears off…


Yeah exactly this. The only time I really smoke is in the middle of the night but even then if I do I need to commit to being awake for 90 minutes which I may or may not want to do.

I can sleep coming down but not when I’m up.

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REM sleep is achieved from 7-9 hours of sleep. DMT will not release if you are drunk or high as per the director of the CHSS. (Source JRE interview)

IMO, I think CBD should be taken well before bed time.

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I haven’t had 7-9 hours of sleep in like a decade :cry:
Still have plenty of dreams tho, was pretty sure that means REM :thinking:


When I have a dream it’s usually weird but once I get over the weirdness it makes me happy because it means I was actually asleep.

But sometimes I think that I wake up because of dreams as soon as they hit so who knows?


You can achieve REM in 10 minutes relaxed or asleep. Put on some headphones, shut your eyes and listen to relaxing music, REM will start shortly. You can speed it up by raising your eyes and .looking at the top of your head.

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Try CBN instead. I found it to help me.

My wife also got me some Relaxium which is mainly a mix of herbs and melatonin. It didn’t work the first few nights but seemed to help after taking it consistently for about a week.


Awakening dreams are not good. DMT is being forced out due to sleep debt or blockage from intoxication. Per podcast, per PhD.

I had a pressed black hash that I let age/degrade for a year and it turned into a lovely sedating coal tar like substance.

Capsules or something might be worth a try.


Most CBD Strains actually wake me up. But by taking in the morning I can exercise well and this helps me sleep.


This is not so weird lots of drugs are like this.

There’s an OTC sleep aid that says “may cause drowsiness” but on the back it says “oh by the way this might have the opposite effect.” And of course it has the opposite effect on me.

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No luck with CBD here, but it seems useful for exercise recovery. CBN vape from OCS was really sedating but didn’t put me to sleep.

What does sort of work, a collection of habits…

  • no caffeine in the PM (or at all if possible)
  • no screen time or bright light few hours before bed, blue light filter on the phone at night dimmed until just barely visible
  • trying to get up at the same time every day, I’d sleep till noon every day if I could but that also means I’ll be going to bed at 3-4am
  • making the bedroom as dark as possible with a fan for white noise
  • writing down all of the shit bouncing through my head to get it out
  • earplugs
  • melatonin or diphenhydamine couple hours before sleep, less is more
  • exercise in the day but not before bed
  • reading or podcasts before bed, nothing too heavy

What works best though is prescription sleeping pills, a tiny dose of seroquel. If I’m not on top of the good habits even that doesn’t work sometimes. Always been a night owl, wish I could work the night shift.


Most CBD Strains are Sativa based but Stephen Hawkin Kush is sleepier.

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I do most of these habits. I admittedly don’t get enough exercise.

Perhaps a CBN vape pen is in my future.

Diphenhydramine is the OTC that doesn’t work for me. NyQuil sort of works as a placebo but I don’t like to take it.

I’ve tried prescription sleeping pills and the best I can say is they help me fall asleep but they don’t help me stay asleep. Maybe I’ll try a different one.

I’ve got fans in the bedroom and a thunderstorm noise machine and I sleep with a shirt over my face for total darkness.


Sun gazing when the sun is setting causes the brain to realease melotonin, far red lights do the same thing, combined with Vit D3. D3 is also necessary for melotonin production.


Teach me how you do this…I too, would love to not have to sleep anymore - such a time drain LOL. :rofl: :joy: :star_struck:

Edit - All joking aside though, sleep is vital, and I hope you find something that will help. It’s very frustrating (and exhausting). I’m a big fan of magnesium and melatonin - and a healthy dose of Green Dragon (works amazing for the arthritis).


You end up being less productive overall because you’re never really awake and when you are you’re impaired. I’d compare it to being as dumb as having 3 drinks.

They use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. I’d agree that it works. I’d do horrible things for 8 full hours of sleep.


I never thought of it like that, but you’re 100% right - it is torture.


Might have to try that. What noise machine do you have is it worth getting?


The shirt is very thin like basketball shorts which is good because it doesn’t get too hot.

The noise machine I use is just an Alexa. It works great but it is also a tool of the beast.

I was hostile at first but it’s very convenient. I got fancy lightbulbs too which also help at 3am. I can just say “light 1%” without having to fiddle with a switch or getting blasted with light.

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