How Much CBD Should I Take?

Ok -


I think I will take 100mg. It’s got melatonin in it too which I didn’t realize.


I use a long pillow wrapped around my head, it supports my neck and keeps it in position and blocks light, it also helps to cut down the noise from the dogs and Mrs Shadeys snoring :sleeping: :joy:. My daughter when she was born would sleep only with white noise or movement. I killed 2 hairdryers leaving them running next to her cot, before I realized I could make a tape recording of it and leave it on loop :weary:


:joy: yes but her hair was amazing


Melatonin makes me dream hard and run marathons in my sleep it’s so fucked up


I take melatonin supplement every couple of days, it’s actually a very powerful anti oxident, that your body uses during the day, next only to Glutathione which your body uses at night as an anti oxidant.


That’s an interesting product. Pretty big dose of melatonin if you take 5.

Man there are quite a few options now for oils and caps with different ratios of CBD/CBN/CBG.


Repeatable reliable dosages is a very good thing - I can get pretty close with my cookies but it’s still a crap shoot. As much as I have a hate on for the OCS they do serve some purpose.

CBG is an interesting one. I smoked a bit and didn’t really get much but a friend said “it didn’t get me high but it really calmed me down” which is a pretty good result I think.

C’mon CBD do…something.


did you try yoga nidra? it’s supposed to help by re-energizing your body,
but the process itself is very calming and sleep-inducing(, if you let it).
it does help to get calm enough to drift away after only a few minutes.

give it a try, mate :wink:


The best sleep method I have found has worked since I was 11 “gettin off” :wink: if I’m lucky I get the words out “good night” before I’m gone gone gone


I’ve done a few different yogas but not this one I’ll have a look.

More exercise would probably be good for me in a general way too.

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1 hour update.

No result. Unless being annoyed is a result :thinking:


Some strains work for me some dont…island sweet skunk seems to be the best at getting me to sleep an adequate amount of time…usually about 6 hours with no wake up. I have made tincture from it too and find too much is as bad as not enough.
I put an ounce in a quart and let it sit for three months. One mil puts me to sleep but 1.5 wil make my…mind race and keep me awake.
I have a friend who swears by cbn he uses a long decarb in the stove and mixes non decarb weed for THCA
That goes into his everclear tincture and a glass of juice


Wow that’s quite the difference for such small amounts.

Funny that you mention age I’ve got some white widow soaking in vegetable glycerin that’s been there for 6 months. I’m trying to make vape juice for Mrs Foreigner.

And that aged hash I mention definitely had some chemical changes going on. If I could have a never ending supply of it I would.


does your MD know this? have you done a sleep study yet? super-recommend.


Getting a dog helped a lot with exercise but I should still be doing more.

Oh yeah, my doc knows. I’m going to ask for something different next time. It’s just not working.

I’m ambivalent about sleep studies. I used to take detailed notes of my sleeping habits but I don’t bother anymore because it’s always the same.

I have other issues other than sleep. Not sleeping is a byproduct of, the worst byproduct of, these issues.


I did a sleep study last Dec, been using a C pap since feb. Completely changed my life. Wear it every night. Nasal Pillows. I was waking up 36 times an hour. That’s more than twice every two mins. Don’t fuck around!! Just do a sleep study. @Foreigner


CBD didn’t help me sleep either and I got tolerance after 3 -4 days.

What worked best for me is getting an ergonomic pillow, and decarbing a batch of cannabis at 100 C / 212 F (sous vide) for 1 hr 11 mins, take out half and let the other half go on until 2 hr 22 mins.
It creates a more balanced ratio of the big three cannabinoids; THCa, THC and CBN, rather than just a spike in the THC.

When I have both sativa and indica on hand I decarb the sativa for the shorter time and the indica for the longer time.

Balanced cannabinoids = balanced life.

Ingest 1/3 of a teaspoon of each before breakfast, you’ll be in a good mood all day, noticably happy but not stoned, and sleep happens wonderfully.

Less is more.


Well. 5 hours straight. That’s pretty good. I’m not convinced yet that it’s the CBD. But 5 hours, I’ll take it.


:rofl: ah well … it was worth a try, haha.


Probably there’s no one solution to the sleep dilemma. My self care routine includes regular exercise, yoga, relaxing teas, Mg supplements, and daily ganja.

Acupressure points can help trigger the body to relax into sleep. This tennis ball trick has worked for me in a pinch.