How Much CBD Should I Take?

Hope you are sleeping better since this thread, bud.
Whenever i hear people having trouble falling asleep i am compelled to recommend what i do, it almost never fails.

Maybe you do this already, maybe you dont (maybe you cant, hopefully not the case) but if you can, plank. Brush your teeth first. Then as long as you possibly can (and i mean Possibly, dont stop until you literally Can Not stay up), plank as straight as you can either on your toes or knees, hands or forearms (whichever is hardest but still possible), until you very nearly collapse. Then right to bed. For me at least, the unclenching core is such a relaxing, body-encompassing feeling that it tells everything else its ok to shut down. Then my mind says fuck this shit im out. :sleeping: :zzz:

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The steady drone of a fan on low speed puts me to sleep way faster than silence in the room.
The low-volume humming sound basically covers-up all my thoughts and mind-chatter.
Also there are white noise and pink noise “videos” on youtube.

Also, the sounds of RAIN falling or WAVES on a beach are slso very nice and effective. Rain i like best. There are tons of these “videos” on YT.