How much where you are?

Ohio is still med only. Seen and smoked eighths from the med shops that was 35 up to 65 an eighth. Some was quite exceptional and some was pretindica. Looked pretty but no potency at all. Street price for a zip of high end in the buckeye state is 240 to 280 a zip. And for what its worth, the black market dank in ohio aint what it was 15 years ago. It pails in comparison.

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There are 2 local online ordering places in Halifax Nova Scotia, they compete for business you can get low quality oz for 99$ delivered or 145$ for high end delivered next day.

Cigs are 18$ a pack of 25 legal or $25 for 200 off the reservation, almost impossible to get rolling tobacco here.

Local growers charging 4-5$ for a gram of high quality weed, to compete with the local online ordering.


here in the uk I used to buy mostly hash, then roughly 30 years ago for some reason they started mixing the hash with plastic and lots of other shitty stuff, could never see the sense to it increase the weigh and decrease the price by the same amount, I started growing my own once I realised it was the new normal and have never looked back.


Could u pm me the names of these local shops in Halifax pls

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Not sure if they have an address, the 2 online ones that deliver I have never used but my daughters boy friends, sister uses them, I think he said one was called coastal here is a link them, they are hit and miss for quality.

I will ask him when he comes in what the better one is called. Are you in Halifax?

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Used to pay 220-240 oz in small towns in alberta, for some shit some guys buddy could get. Usually came with some stupid name, you could never find any lineage on. My world definitely changed when I moved to bc haha


Cigarettes are around $ 45 buckeroos

An OZ can set you back anywhere between $ 300 - 450 …just crazy really

Madagascar - last time was 80,000 Ariary , exchange rate works out at $33 for maybe little over a half

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Yikes…I quit cigs when they hit a whole 50 CENTS (USD)…LOL



yeah lol, and then I couldn’t believe it when they started asking $25 for an oz!


It was outrageous to pay 25 bucks for damn near the same amount I was paying 10 bucks for!
That was the bummer!