How my liberty started (again)

I think I’m gonna throw the 4 zapp seeds into h2o2 enriched aquarium water then plant them separately because I read about this “dudding” viroid coming from hop, which is genetically near our beloved plant, so I have again a choice before me : separating them until I got a cut of each (cleaning tools, I know) and see by myself, or planting them together, but separated from my white skunk survivor, since it could also be contaminated :frowning: even if it’s a super vegetative grower, I read you could only tell when flowering is done ?

it looks great. only note besides making sure the pup cant get at the liquid inside the reservoir is youre definitely going to need to mix some perlite in that soil in the bag. octopot people recommend 60% soilless mix (they used to recommend organic soil so that does work also to whatever degree) and 40% perlite. im using the recommended brand (sunshine mix #4) and another that is probably more like 45% coco, %15% organic compost/bark/calcium supplement, 40% perlite but i’ve seen @GrouchyOldMan experiment with a lot of different ratios all with success.

the fertilizer youd put in there could be cheap (i find with them outside the liquid fertilizers would separate with the changes in temperature so the salt-based less expensive fertilizers work better - again have to safeguard keeping the dog away from them).

i think for now you could go down to a hardware store or garden store and get a bag of perlite then dump the top half out of the bag on your octopot, add half perlite, mix it up real good and give it a go transplanting a seedling in there, assuming that soil has plenty of compost in it already. then as it runs through those nutrients from the commerical soil you can sort finding the proper ferts for it. i see some french brands that are similar with different N-P-K ratios, like:
(that one actually has a raito that might do better outside, but im no expert)

this would be cheaper:

as for finding a grow shop i know you dont want to give away your location, 3 suggestions from the coastline there apologies if im not close enough but its not like i went trying to find you lol

would just soak them overnight in a glass of distilled water (or just tap) for 24 hrs then put in damp paper towels in a plastic bag in a dark warm place and check them every 12hrs or so. lots of ways to do it right but thats a good formula to build a pattern of if youre going to pick one.


Thanks @shade :blush: the second one seems really great, I popped big seeds of a flower we call “bird of paradise” in french, I don’t know its english name, and they worked very well with 48h soaking in h2o2 and aquarium water

So I guess I’m fine, but yes, after it I put them in a tiny box with paper towel on them, zip bags act the same I guess ?

I can also try rain water :stuck_out_tongue:

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Once I made one, why not another ?

Still have to pierce holes all around the grey bucket, or replace it with another tote bag



Definitely, I think aquarium water is the best, because of the macrobiotic complex being complex ^^

Hello overgrowers, I had my first zucchini successfully :stuck_out_tongue:

And I threw 6 seeds into water (4 zapp, 1 afghan, 1 master kush)

But … My wife accidentally made them fall, so I have 4 seeds left, and mixed so it will be the surprise 🫢
I have at least 2 zapp out of 4 :confused:
And I have set the closet vertically and in the attic for the weekend, since I have some visitors tomorrow for a family barbecue

And the DIY e-bike is now operational, not really powerful, not fast, but does the job, and will be useful as I don’t have a car, nor licence and living in campaign

No trigger, just a push button, overboard motor scavenged, and a cheap chinese controller, the battery is from my last job (I have much batteries, if anyone needs one in france, and motors).
I’ll try to make some others in a near future, and even a wooden scooter :kick_scooter: xD

Edit : I have bought an e-bike a year ago, but it needs maintenance, the rear wheel’s beams are leaving me, I need to find a pack of beams to fix it, and I will be able to bring my wife on a trip near seaside :smiley:

Edit 2:
I will try to publish only the positive news, not my depressive episodes, but don’t worry, we all have some, and one key to get over them is talking about it (not publicly, for me, but I still do sometimes, I’m shy about it, like many), so anyone feel free to pm me if you want to talk, my ear stays open, I’m empathetic and I don’t judge people, we all have our problems, even if we don’t speak of it with our beloved ones to not make em sad, speaking is helping yourself already. I recently confessed to an my old boss and it relieves pain and stress to know you’re not alone, to know that someone knows about your sadness.
(I had a girlfriend who is now psychologist, I had some of her lessons while she studied and i wouldn’t say I’m good at it, but I am able to listen)

Edit 3: the first (and paid) e-bike, really comfortable but many rear beams abandoned their task :disappointed:

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I forgot to mention, I ordered these also, some sativas, to complete my “collection”, as I ordered only indicas before, as seed city gave me a 15£ coupon

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It’s late in the night and I’m still preparing the BBQ for my wife’s family visit, I have a virgin mojito planned (there is a taboo on alcohol, as imposed by my mother in law) , here is a test sample, we have “merguez” (oriental sausages) and marinated chicken legs, we made some melon balls with dry ham, mozzarella cheese with cherry tomatoes and black olives (Greek style) for the aperitive, I hope everything goes well, but no reasons to go bad

Yes the BBQ has just been bought, it’s my birthday gift from my wife (my birthday was very early in the year, and I was alone, and drinking alone to forget I was alone, but I’m not the only one in that case. I had sad thoughts at this moment, but still, it’s my birthday gift and I appreciate it (even if it’s for me to cook for my wife’s family, I will enjoy it some ways), I have cut and marinated the chicken legs :poultry_leg: and tomorrow morning, before they arrive, I’ll prepare the vegetable skewers :dango: and get some “bread sticks” (“baguettes :baguette_bread:”, I don’t know the English word for it)
And I kept some nice looking strawberries for the children :blush:

It’s 4:20 am here, so I’ll leave you to go sleeping, and I haven’t smoked any good thing (tobacco isn’t a good thing) since 3 days (that’s why I don’t already sleep yet), but I think I will have something 2 days from here and it will do, and after the family’s (not even mine, my wife’s -_-) has come, I will be able to adapt the basement to make a grow and a flower tents.

As always, thanks all overgrowers for reading me, it’s pleasant to share some bits of my life :grin:


Phew :sweat_smile: everything happened very well, now i have the house to tidy up :grin: and it was raining like hell yesterday, some water got into this old house, and it will rain for a week, the basil is in senescence, giving many seeds, I hope tomato plants won’t get mildew, their soil is well drained but who knows :confused: the whole garden waited long for this rain.
The DIY e-bike has broken (the wooden piece holding the motor) so only the red bike is operational at the moment.
I found a dry dead cat and a dry dead rat in the attic :frowning:
We will finish this month with our stocks, no more money for 6-7 days, but it’s not a real problem, we have all what we “need”.
The good new is that I can now start building some real tents, and I have got an organic fertilizer (cheap one, and I read about the sewer slug they put in these, but it will do for beginning growths.
Bad new: I found some lead sheets on the wall between my neighbour and i :confused: will get rid of it soon, as it’s possible that rain takes some particules in a part of the garden -_-
The garden and house have big potential, but I have many work ahead of me, so pictures will wait a bit, but it’s a matter of time :wink:
I will take advantage of the rain to dig out some soil, to even the farthest part of the garden (it’s thin but very long) and use this soil to fill pots, I plan to dig a pond too, but it will have to wait a bit, not a priority at the moment.

See you soon with better news, and take care of you and your beloved ones :kissing_heart:


the kc-33 seems like a good one to veg out indoors early in spring for next years outdoor, then could plant some smaller ones with the more exotic strains, also could keep a mother plant for the year after and too breed with.

sounds and looks delicious

safety first, no rush. rushing is how people make critical errors.

hope the family visit went well. we are one of those families that probably should put a ban on drinking alcohol at get togethers :joy:

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Hello @shade thanks for the tips with these beans 🫘 it’s exactly what I’m here for, since I don’t know specifics of these genetics yet.

I would love to get it outdoors, but I cannot really do that, I can get her out some days but not let it out, my wife won’t like it, as it’s illegal and we sometimes have visitors, but next year is still far for us, maybe she will be more tolerant at this time ^^

A tiny frog paid me a visit this night, I have set it in the aquarium for the night and got her out this morning ^^

The isolation of the house is shit at the moment but we are working on it xD

Also, do you remember when I told you 2 seeds were lost by accident ? One had the luck to fall in another pot, along with ginger, so I transplanted it today

And I received the sativa seeds today

For the update, the first one (White skunk) has grown well since last time, ramified thanks to high stress training, I let her get relaxed a bit now :sunglasses:, she knows what she’s doing, nature programmed her, and I trust nature and I will transplant her soon to the DIY octopot :stuck_out_tongue: since her roots got through the pot holes

2 out 4 seeds were sprouted, and I planted them too, so there are 3 germinated and planted, and 2 taking their time (crossing fingers)

And in the attic I had this junk laying, but the frame could be used to do the grow room (the actual closet is not made to stay for long, just for the actual germination and/or mother keeping)

There’s a ventilation in here, with unused inlets, I think I’ll take advantage of it, but it needs to be rewired, and one of the pipes have been bit by rats (or mice, but I’d say rats, telling by the size of the hole)

I said I’ll use the cave but I will have to wait a bit more, my wife’s dad couldn’t come last time, and I want to show him the basement, his advice on it is needed, and I also want his advice on this :

We have some wood mushrooms and I would like to know if this merula :frowning:
So the basement will have to wait a bit more :confused:
I can still veg in the attic for the moment, flowering will wait for the basement, even if I would love to get a cut from white skunk and switch it to flower. More growth should be a good thing for her to get to vegetative maturation and a bigger/better flowering, am I right ?

For the last 3 seedlings I didn’t use commercial soil, but garden soil (farthest of the garden, it’s pretty much like forest soil xD), I fear a bit about pests and bugs, but I’m totally broke now, and everyone has got to start somewhere:/

I’m still waiting for the economic firing’s indemnity, and my wife’s remuneration for her web dev course is not much, and each cent we receive already have a direction, as said before, there’s much work isolating the house (the previous owner sold it to us just before it would be forbidden to sell such a house, the energy diagnostic being so poor).

Please pardon my English, I’m French, and feel free to correct me on any mistake, I’m here to learn, not only cannabis cultivation and science, but also anything else you can teach me :slight_smile:

Have an exponentially great day ! (Quote is from Burg.L, in the game Grounded, very lovely game, and it was ugly at start, but with updates it’s now really beautiful, I recommend it)


I almost forgot a question I have, would you suggest me to put the frame vertical or horizontal ? I’m tempted to say vertical for sativas and horizontal for indica, am I right ?
It’ll be used for growth only, not flowering

vertical, can put a table in there and hang another light under it and turn into 2 shorter areas after if you want.

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Ok, thanks, I will do so :slight_smile:

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Hello guys (and gals) tiny update, 3 tiny plants going and the bigger one is showing signs of nutritional lacks, so first feeding is today

And 2 seeds still waiting to show what they’ve got

And, I scavenged a focal lens in a laser distance measurement system integrated in a robotic vacuum on which I put a hand, and dismantled, so I will now be able to do some macroscopic shots :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is an example of it

Now to find some interesting pics to do with it :stuck_out_tongue:


Net pot done :+1:
I filled it with clay tile bits, some rocks in the bottom part, so capillarity won’t get to the substrate, which is half Coco and half dirt, and a layer of rock wool at the middle, I’ll pot the white skunk survivor in it tomorrow, and I hope it fits into the closet, as the growth tent isn’t ready yet

As for the growth tent, I’ll put a 150w MH lamp with an electronic ballast, for now I need something to stop light getting everywhere, as the attic is not isolated at all for light, something cheap if possible, or I isolate the attic first, I need to find a way, but I cannot let everyone see light getting out of there


Hi all, tiny update, everything is going fine, just 2 seeds still waiting to come to life, a biiiiig zucchini xD

Any idea to help these seed ? Or I just need to wait?

Basil is maturing its seeds : )

And we’re still working on isolating the house before winter, hence the little time I can allow to these poor plants, but I will shape the tents soon


I almost forgot: strelitzia is coming to our garden :stuck_out_tongue:

Man,I think that’s a Cucumber. GL

xD so true, I had these seeds as zucchini but I must be wrong. I have another plant from the same bag doing a tiny one :confused:

Wouldn’t a cucumber be longer? Maybe a short variety
I’ll do more pics, to have your opinion on it, I’m confused