I have been looking for that for long
Thanks for the freezer tip. I’m going to give that a try with some from about 15 years ago. I visited an old friend in the hills outside Santa Barbara and he loaded me up with a couple pounds of seeds from his mixed crop. He had to go on an emergency trip and left his garden in the hands of someone else who was instructed to plant all his potted plants outside in the garden. His caretaker didn’t realize there were males in there and by the time he returned the whole crop was fully seeded. In the mix was pk, skywalker, urkle, garlic (Local SB garlic), GDP, and some other kushes. He told me to just call them “SB mountain man kush”. I haven’t got into them in years but recently gave some out to friends. They had no success. The seeds haven’t turned any reddish or oxidized brown colors and still look perfect, some almost oily and purple. They have been kept dry and out of light so I’ll pop some in the freezer for a time and then see if I can get them to go. If it works I have a small amount of S1’s from a killer sour d I had in Cali/Oregon. Seeds were from 2007. They look good still.
Anyways thanks for the cold tip.
I do the same thing. As many layers as I can I do lol.
I dont like the idea of a freezer unless you have a generator. One power outage for a few days and I feel like it takes a toll on your seeds. As opposed to a fridge it seems like it would be more gentle and forgiving.
We use Laboratory mini test tubes stored with silica packs in big freezer bags (though, the containers are pretty darned air-tight) and in the crisper drawer of the fridge.
Each container holds 100 strains, each tube holds 20-40 seeds, depending on their size.
Is vac sealing detrimental?