How to convince family members you live with to grow indoors?

Lol bud I don’t think you’re going to win an argument with an older Jewish mom lol.

If you do, that’s extremely impressive!


I was preparing myself to have a long data driven conversation with my wife about potential savings, my own peace of mind, etc. when I told her I was going to purchase a tent, she was immediately okay with it. I asked her why and she told me “Well you really don’t have any hobbies, so it’ll be good for you to be busy”, I was ecstatic!
Her only request was that I don’t bore her with conversations about dirt, as her friend sells terrariums and it’s all she talks about haha.


I convinced her to let me grow 7 massive plants outdoors…3 years now


I’d say you’re doing good then!


“Actually it’s a soilless medium.”


Its even more frustrating cause my friend has lights and ballasts ect I can use for free.

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Introduce her to Raphael Mechoulam and his work with cannabis.


Haha! That will be my opener when I try out the others!

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Just googled him reading


I use it on Mrs Foreigner all the time “it smells like dirt in here…”


It really depends on what their arguments against it would be.

It is legal in most places now. It can be cleaner with no IPM and or bugs etc. I use passive hydro with coco and perlite so not really the same problems as trying to create a closed ecosystem inside.


More like this^

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It’s helpful hearing more about the context of your situation. I think you would have the best success by starting an indoor garden for herbs and tomatoes first. Year round production is a benefit to gardening indoors. Share with her the indoor grown tomatoes and such. Ask her advice what she would like to plant and see grow. I think you could parlay that into some cannabis plants.

Little steps make big goals.

Since you mention her religion, there might be some fruitful conversation with respect to Holy Anointing Oil. It’s speculated that cannabis is used for this. Biblical stuff. That’s God’s word yeah?

It’s a plant, in nature from God. Your state is now legal. There are many discussion points but I would strongly suggest not going into things as a debate with points to prove, rather to share the joys that indoor gardening can bring. Many blessings and much love


The line she seems to use the most is "I don’t want a drug operation in my house. Yet(7 plants processed from outdoors 3 years) haven’t sold a gram ever. My brother uses it and his family. So I’m providing that in a way.


Just tell her its something you’d like to do, and growing indoors you can control the “environment” better. Dunno if your outdoor plants are visible to neighbors or visitors, but having a tent indoors will keep them out of plain view.

Also, you can keep the.plants smaller, have faster harvests/cycles, less bug/pest issues.


This is a major concern this year. After 3 years my yards been seen by slot of people. All it takes is one shady mail lady telling the wrong person and a quick hop of my fence would be devistating.


Drug operation?
If you could produce Tylenol at home would that be okay? Are you aloud to grow coffee?

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No bugs in your weed


Yeah I’d say indoors is safer in terms of not being noticed by other people. Less risk of theft/violence


It’s been recognized as a therapeutic medicine. Coffee has caffeine and is a drug without the same therapeutic benefits. Poison is in the dosage. But I doubt sharing those counterpoints will sway her perspective. Honey not vinegar.

It seems she is against it because it’s a drug and for the majority of her life that drug was associated as illegal. I don’t think she fully grasps the change in distinction of your local region relaxing the laws and legalizing. It seems she’s against it because it’s been demonized as a bad drug for most her entire life. That’s a difficult perspective to shift for someone in their 90’s. I think doing an indoor garden for tomatoes and peppers is the best approach, then you can start to transition to cannabis plants as she finds familiarity in it. Many blessings and much love