How to identify AI and bots in order to protect OG

ÒG Dr. Bot

Verse 1) In the world of ones and zeros, where the lines blur, There’s a tale of bots, both kind and sinister, Good bots with hearts of gold, spreading light, And bad bots, dark shadows, causing fright.

(Chorus) Oh, Dr. Bot, lead us through the digital haze, Where good bots thrive in their virtuous ways, Standing tall against the tide of deceit, Oh, Dr. Bot, make the bad bots retreat.

(Verse 2) The good bots, guardians of truth and trust, They scan, protect, and never combust, From spam to scams, they shield our domain, While bad bots sow chaos, driven insane.

(Bridge) Oh, Dr. Bot, with algorithms bright, You guide us towards the clear digital light, Where integrity and honor reign supreme, And malicious codes vanish like a dream.

(Chorus) Oh, Dr. Bot, lead us through the digital haze, Where good bots thrive in their virtuous ways, Standing tall against the tide of deceit, Oh, Dr. Bot, make the bad bots retreat.

(Outro) So here’s to the good bots, champions in blue, And here’s to Dr. Bot, our hero so true, May the bad bots fade into oblivion, With Dr. Bot’s wisdom as our guiding beacon.


That was cool


First tine playing around with AI, pretty cool :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice that’s what I was thinking :thinking:


lol “useful paranoia” :slight_smile:


Bud I don’t think you’re an actual bot.


Another bot thread, yikes. Here you go @bert.



Perhaps the problem lies in the past lives of people like myself. Many of us older fellows lived through the bad old days of the “ war on drugs”. Many of us have had long vacations in the “state hotel” and we have learned to be suspicious of everyone. Many of us were born into a world were computers did not exist and we have no idea what is or is not possible with todays technology. Many members live in countries were the penalties are terrible including up to 10 years in prison for cultivation. They may have reservations about any or all members, and rightly so. It takes time to build trust. We all have had to start from nothing as a new member and PROVE that we are cool. ( Im still working on that one. :crazy_face: ) @Bert . You have made a good start and many good friends as well. I think you will do fine. :rainbow:


@Bert what’s 9x7=?


That is a trick question. Everyone knows there is no such thing as 9. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


this place often restores my faint glimmer of hope for humanity.

I couldn’t possibly have less interest in bots. gross.

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I’m not advocating for bots, but I’m a pragmatist. If you come here for casual conversation and some humor but can’t tell the difference between a bot and a human, then what’s really the hang up? Are you robbed of some ‘authentic’ experience of arguing with an actual human?

That bot would’ve been built by a human, does that not give you a glimmer of hope of the possibilities of human ingenuity and intelligence?

I honestly don’t think about bots much; I’m more concerned with bad actors. Real life humans that seek to cheat and lie. That argue in bad faith, and mislead people for personal gain. That and law enforcement masquerading. God knows the NSA has a handle on all this internet traffic, and likely there are federal agents with accounts here that blend in with everyone else.


@Bert showed some love in my thread so he is definitely good with me :facepunch::+1:


The Romans say it is LXIII


Pretty neat. I’m yet to play with Chat GPT or it’s competitors.


Aha! Roman robot!


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@GYOweed - I cordially and respectfully invite you to air your personal concerns on this thread. It may alleviate your need to say weird things on my feedback thread.


It raises red flags when a member joins and posts only links with no personal element to them. Also dishonest and / misleading posts. All while saying they don’t post weed pictures . As if they are saying , I’m a member but a special one. There are people here pouring thier hearts out with everything from sick pets to family despair. You would have to be mechanical not to see that.


Thank you @Hashpants

Your insights are useful. I’ll add them to the how to ID a bot list

As your comments are applied to me you’ll find that I have posted pictures of the lake I live on and fireworks on the Beans for Everyone thread.

I have had DM conversations with you specifically. I have emoted in them.

Also, you are the only member of OG who has my phone number

If the question is as to my worthiness of being a member of OG I think that is for the community to decide.