How to make the cable shorter on a light

Here’s a stupid question I need to shorten these cables on the lights, I tied it in a knot :rofl:


To shorten them you’ll need to cut and crimp on a new ferrule. Standard aircraft wire stuff available at a home improvement store.


Sweet I’ll try ace hardware in the morning

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Man, I hated how long the damn cables were on my lamp… Bought some cheap ass chain and did this

I think the chain was for hanging planters and came with some s hooks and a few clips… Gave me about 8 more inches of height in my tent


I was looking for something like that

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I tied mine too. But I tied it sort of off to the side so it still hangs right.

Edit - I have also used big zip ties


I was thinking zip ties but I’d freak myself out thinking are they ok while I’m at work lol


I have them attached at 4 points so if one fails no big deal. It’s only 100w and doesn’t generate a ton of heat anyway.

I also still have the wires attached just in case

I can also make sure the light is dead straight this way. It annoys me when it’s off a few degrees.


I had some smaller ones I was trying to show a picture of. But I will use those and run them through the pole and that’ll give you about three or four more inches of height.


image Right there you can connect them together and run it right through that pole. I’ll try to show you in a minute I can’t go to my stuff right now. The zip tie thing will work.

I hope you don’t mind me copy in your picture up there. @anon98660487. I know that wasn’t a very good example I’ll try to show better. What I’ll do is take the cables from the light Straight to the hook or the other thing I showed the clip. Sorry man I can’t find my glasses this morning.

Yup. Most light hanger cables are way too long for me.
I just loop them back on themselves. Makes them half as long and no tying, cutting, or other hacking.


i use the hell outa wire ties in the grow room,thye seem handy, or maybe i have watched to much red green


Another thing you can you is heavy Zip ties. Go back and forth so the end up even. Use a ring to put the zips thru and hock to ratchet.
Chain may rust in the humidity is not stainless.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Zip ties hadn’t even crossed my mind. I may look for some heavy ties soon, I could free up another inch or so in there

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I have three that I have done that with.

ratchet hanger?


I’ve done the same when hanging my exhaust fans.


I have these already still a bit long for
My liking

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I got em on my fce3000 and I love em kinda hard to lower maybe I have them upside down but deff does the job !

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