How to mature clones faster?

Awesome! Thank for sharing. I will check it out.

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Havenā€™t done a side by sideā€¦ but you can really feed them quite a bit without negative results. Just make sure itā€™s ground fine.

From what I can tell on seed packetsā€¦ it definitely speeds things up.

Between barley and worms, even my giant pumpkins were fruiting a good 3 weeks before my mother in laws from the same seed pack and almost identical climate :man_shrugging:t2:


I have some cuttings in a vase by the window right nowā€¦they developed buds before roots


@anon58740919 @Ceilingless

Iā€™ll take advantage of the barley talk and askā€¦
I received some seeds that were not kept in the fridge. They must be 8 years old, and how long before thatā€¦ I donā€™t know
Considering the enzymes in the malted barley, would a mild solution help with germination? i also have fulvic acid if that helps.
Three test seeds have not shown anything for 13 days


Donā€™t ever be shy to ask. If we canā€™t help. Guarantee someone here can and will. You wonā€™t find a better group of folks :100:

The only thing Iā€™ve done thatā€™s worked for old seeds was scuffing up with sandpaper and soaking in a h20/h20Ā² mix. Iā€™m not an organic grower by any stretch.

What medium are you using to try and germinate? Whats the medium temperature? (I usually sit awkward germers on a sky box or the Xbox) they like a slightly warmer medium when germing.


Look into worm casting germination methods for older seeds. It IS the best. I tried so many things amd castings had 5x germination rates compared to the second closest.

(Yes even 200$ specialized formulas, crazy chemist horticultural potions. Worm doodoo wins)


Always ask! Rarely hurts, usually helps. Thatā€™s why weā€™re all here.

I use barley/kelp meal tea for seed sprouting of all kinds. Donā€™t know if it would help, but I doubt it would hurt.

I really like the suggestion that @Mithridate posed as well.

Canā€™t speak highly enough for the power of the microbial life in good worm castings.

Magical little things they are.


They were soaked in tap water for 24 hours. PH around 8.
After that in a paper towel.
Temperature 25 - 27 degrees Celsius

Somewhere on OG I read about a similar method. I know it wasnā€™t barley, but the logic behind it is that this solution replaces the germination enzymes that are lacking in the old seed.
Or something like that :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks to all of you


Thank you all again for your feedback. This is the most positive feedback Iā€™ve gotten. Much appreciated.


Get a grow journal up bro. Some pics and stuff and youā€™ll have plenty more feedback to come. Iā€™ll hit the watch button right away :sunglasses:


Thank you!

btw dryback / crop steering is definitely a thing to look into

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Much appreciated!

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are these ā€œclonersā€ you speak of out past the outer rim? @misterbee :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: