How to mature clones faster?

Hey, hope everyone who finds this is having a blessed and successful grow! My question is how to mature my clones faster. They seem to be stagnant. Is this due to the nursery I get them from and their cloning process? Thank you in advance for your information!


How long are we taking about here? A few days, a week, um, 2 weeks? Did you transplant when you brought them home? How old did the seller say they were? What were/ are they planted in? Light source? Need more info, the more you can tell us about where it was to where it’s going (no locations) the better we can try to advise.

Edit: pics could help if you’re safe to do so.


Clones and plants in general do get shocked moving to one place from another. Usually only lasts a few days. I would pop them out of their container and inspect the root system. Be sure to check for anything crawling on the media. If there is sufficient roots I would transplant into a new home. I grow in a quality potting mix that doesn’t require fertilizer for a few weeks minimum. If they aren’t growing don’t fertilize and don’t overwater them.


No substitute for time I’m afraid. But you could be slowing them down with well meaning inputs.


Make sure you’re not watering too frequently after transplant. If you’re getting plugs, make sure they’re not wet when you plant them. Harden them off with a dome for a day or two before transplanting.

I would say leave them alone and let them grow out of it and don’t water unless the pot is light.


It’s a general question. I’m only seeking to know if there is a process to mature clones faster is all. Highly appreciate the feedback!


You can “mature” Clones by starting them on a 12/12 Schedule, but I don’t think that’s what you want, or need to do. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: I’ve seen them go into “flower” IN THE CLONER!!


It depends on what you mean by “mature”??
Clones come either rooted or unrooted. If your wanting to speed up root growth then a bubble cloner will speed things up.
If its a plant that’s already rooted and in a new medium then its likely shocked but will recover in time.
Growing ANY plant is a slow process. Cannabis can be a PITA if your environment isn’t spot on.


Microbes and then more microbes… no matter what medium I’m using. always seems to help my clones thrive. Also if using synthetic nutes I like to use a more of a low ppm bloom mix for clones until established. seems to do better than a veg blend in my experimenting. Just the things I like to do. Good luck and happy growing!


Again, this is too general of a question. Are you asking about dryback? Feed? Crop steering?


One thing that can be done to “speed up” the process is to take very large cuttings. Rooting isn’t any faster (in my limited experience) but they do seem a lot more resistant to low RH swings. Once they set roots you’re ahead of the game but doing this means growing a bigger than normal mother to start with. …which takes more lead time. :man_shrugging:



I listened to a podcast where Clackmas Coot claims that using malted barley shortens the flowering time.
Can anyone confirm or deny this?


This right here. I do the same when starting seeds. Phosphorus helps with cell division therefore improving root growth. They don’t like too much nitrogen when young. So bloom nutes are a good call.


Malted barley is full of enzymes. So acts as a catalyst in the medium. I did some side by sides a few years ago adding malted barley and good hemp amino acids.

Phosphatase, chitinase, urease, protease and amylase all help to break down matter into usable nutrients :100:

Anecdotally I would say yes you should see a very slight faster finish bro


2 row malted barley right?


I’d imagine 2 or 6 would work mate. The only distinguishable difference is when you use it to brew beer. 2 is a maltier flavour and 6 is a grainier one. (I don’t brew beer but my half sisters dad told me the difference a few years back)


If I remember correctly, you should take into account the SRM(american) or ERC(european) value.
The lower the better

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Thanks for all of your feedback. I enjoy the knowledge!


Hey, what was the name of the podcast?

Im not sure, but i think that he talk about barley in 1 episode