How to transport safely? Is vacuumizing a good idea?

I dont want my car to have any smell. I am wondering if I should buy a vacuumizer. Do I need a chamber vacuumizer? Maybe then put it in a glass jar after?

Any suggestions where to put it in the car so it is safe? Or is body safer?


Any place you don’t have to go looking for papers for your vehicle
I like the trunk and the bed of a pu.
Put it in something that you’ll see in everybody elses pu no coolers.


Are you crossing an international border? If yes, then disregard the stated opinion below.

Double vacuum seal the pack and stash it out of sight. Foodsaver type vacuum sealers work just fine. Obey all traffic laws and enjoy the drive. Glass jars are a hassle in a vehicle, and you have already double sealed the buds.



Vacuum sealing with a food saver works great. Never any smell.


Yep a home food vacuum packer works great.
I just vac once and put in shopping bag on passenger seat, hidden in plain sight.


why disregard the opinion stated below?

I will get a vacuumizer and will look for a place in the car. Maybe I can remove the cover of something in the inside, put the vacuumized bag in there and put the cover back on.

I saw you can buy bags, cans, flashlights which have a secret opening to put the stuff inside. Are they recommendable or does law enforcement know about such stuff?

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Because I would not advise anyone to cross an international border while carrying Cannabis. That’s just me speaking. Feel free to do whatever you are comfortable attempting.


what are the best hideouts when transporting with the car? please give some advice or experiences.

My best advice is to obey all traffic laws and make sure all of your lights are functioning. Don’t give LEO a reason to pull your vehicle.


Correct, if they pull you over and want to search, it won’t matter where it is hidden.


maybe there is places they will not find it even they look in the car.

The trick is to not get pulled over!
But maybe try this if you are paranoid enough.

Happy days


Ridiculous :smiley: the cop gets totally crazy, jumps and starts. He gets crazy like a dog at feeding time :smiley:

So it seems they can use the dog on the outside of the vehicle and the driver sits inside.

Is this in US?


At the :31 second mark of that video the cop says something you should pay attention.

It was a routine stop at first. The guy had failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign.




What to package 2 :muscle: ‘elbows’ in, going 6hrs so. into LA? :blush:

Thinking big stuffed animal. :rabbit2: :bear: Bathed in cologne.


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Just wrap it up all pretty in a box, it’s Christmas after all. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m using this at some point.

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Just put your car full off toolboxes. And put the vacuumized stuff in a bag under the seat. If somebody asks what you want to, you say you going to renovate help a friend. When you block the cars interior with heavy toolboxes in a way so thay would need to get removed first, then your chances are good nobody will search the car.

But you have to make sure there is no smell or other signs for marihuana.

I think a big stuffed animal could attract interest.

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One of my dealers double bag vacuum seals and leaves it in his trunk. He’s been doing it a very long time :slight_smile:


yes. double vaccum sealing is recommended to prevent the case that one of the two bags accidently opens and the marihuana starts smelling in the car.

Where he puts it in the trunk? I know law enforcement very often likes to have a look in the trunk. So it would be good to hide it.