Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Ugh. Just got home from the hospital. The good news is that it looks like we no longer have the plague. The bad news is that we might both have some lingering minor heart damage from it, and it looks like my wife is a little worse off than I am.

I still can’t do hardly anything, as even easy tasks will drive my heart rate up into the 130+bpm range and give me intense chest pain, but I guess that is an improvement from the 150+ I was experiencing a month ago.

I’m probably going to take a few weeks or so off and take it easy, then see how I feel.

In the meantime, I guess I’ll see if I can come up with some ways to reduce the work load even further :wink:


Wow, that sounds rough, please take care of yourself and your wife, and heal yourselves. Enjoy some gentle relaxing music, keep your stress levels low and sample your good meds when you can. I hope you both feel better soon.


Father in law still not upto snuff after a month.


Hey Howard, sorry to hear the update. Take care of yourself and the Mrs.
Rest up and get better. :v:


Here’s hoping you and yours are feeling better soon.

All the best


Get well soon man.


Had in February and my sinuses are still messed up. Rest up and get well, it’s no joke…


Thanks for the kind words and well wishes, much appreciated.

Gonna do some rough trimming today of the bits of Orange Goji that are dry enough to jar, mostly lowers and smaller tops. It’s relaxing easy work, and my favorite version of aromatherapy :laughing:


Though there are some plants I’ve trimmed that made me gag after a bit and had to take breaks for air.


Heh. Yeah, I’ve had a few of those too. Love them :wink:


Poor thing! You got the Covid?


Yeah :frowning:

Don’t let anyone tell you it’s “like the flu”. Those people don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. It is absolutely unlike any illness I’ve ever had before. I spent a couple weeks feeling like I was going to die, and even now I still have to consciously work at keeping my blood oxygen levels above 90% saturation and my heart rate down.

It’s awful.

I’m super freaking happy that we’re not contagious anymore, though. My elderly mother-in-law lives with us, and it’s been a huge cause for concern that we might pass it on to her. Fortunately, she lives in her own area on the first floor, so we mostly stay away and wear masks when we need to be near her like when we bring her dinner and stuff, and she seems to have escaped it so far.


Terrible! My uncle was hit hard with it like that and a few other people I know, not so much. It’s very unpredictable and I believe it also has to do with how much exposure you had to it. Rest up. Glad you are on the mend.


Got a half gallon jar filled, and estimate that there’s at least one more of the Orange Goji. Not terrible for two plants that I had to chop the biggest tops off of in early flower to keep them short enough, imo.

More fluffy stuff than I’d like, but I’m not unhappy :yum:


Every time you show that bud I get a mouthwatering orange Taste and I’ve never even tried it.

Yeah shit knocked me down for two weeks worse than I’ve ever been, then a few months of chronic fatigue, and a constant sinus infection. Be safe glad the mother in law is good can’t imagine having any underlying breathing or heart condition and having to fight it.


Makes my mouth water too, lol :yum:

My wife says this jar is hers :laughing:


Mine reeked again after 1 day in cure. lol


I hope you get back on track Howard that orange goji is looking gorgeous brother I need to dig into those f2s and I have some f1s but I think those are going to be my outdoor plants next year. I can’t wait to get this year over with but he’ll who knows if next year will be any better. Take care of yourself and wife always look forward to your content.


I take a tablespoon of a good yogurt 2x a day for the last 3 months …lot of benefits including helping the immune system and lowering blood pressure. No sugar in it.

I quit drinking milk recently and so also serves as a calcium source.

Take care of yourself and those dear to you first.


Shucking seeds today from some of the @lefthandseeds Durban Poison x Jungle Spice plants that were pollinated with Orange Goji.

That DPxJS has one of the most unique smells I’ve ever encountered in cannabis. I can’t describe it, but it’s really addictive. Pretty racy smoke, though :wink: