Huge cache of seeds left behind, what to do?

So much kush… what do you guys think are the best strains?


Dibs on the mr nice seedpacks!

If you decide to sell anyXD

My favorites are hazes And anything oldschoolXD

Omg and the hazeman seeds… and the bodhi god damn!


Hi, new member here. Still learning about strains. Don’t know exactly what I have. Any advice?


Check out a few seedbanks for the genetic makeup for the strains, another idea would be to check out some of the breeders on Instagram, they are always posting photos and info for their genetics :wink:


If you post names of anything you are curious about i can help tell you more about the strain:)

yea lotus you saw those mr.nice seeds too huh hahaha XD

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maybe we should all pool are money together so she gets all the money she can from them all at once an we get a nice surprise on what we could all agree on a certain percentage we pay an she splits up the packs evenly unless she gonna grow them


If you want to sell them, you’ll have to make a list of each seedpack - the name of the breeder and the strain. You could post the list here and ask people to private-message you to claim the seeds, then take the money via paypal and mail them out. It will be a huge project, but you could probably ask $50 per pack and get the money.

You could take the grow equipment like lights and post it on the local Craigslist.

I would take care not to reveal your name and identity to the general public on this website or others. Who knows, there could be lingering law enforcement interest in your husband’s operation.


that’s true, you could sell the packs without typing up all the names, would probably have to ask less than $50 in that case though, maybe $25 per pack, or $100 for 4 packs? They will go as fast as you can mail them.

I’ve been waiting for someone to go there. Leave it to @JaxxMunster!

Hey @mia, Jaxx has a motorcycle and killer sense of humor, maybe hear him out! Lol.

Stay hazed


Some of them will be worth a lot more than he paid :wink: for example the OG Raskal gear is not available and hasn’t been available for years, probably wont be remade either as he continues to breed new strains :wink: Bodhi strains like Sunshine Daydream will never be remade as he doesnt have the Appalacia father anymore. Its probably going to take a while to work out exactly what they are worth but you should be able to scrape up a few thousand dollars easily :wink: An auction would be your best bet, that way bidders could decide the price and what they are willing to pay, wouldn’t need to research as much then :thumbsup:


I like the auction idea! That way she gets as much as she can for them to help her daughter.


so what would that involve? Setting up a account??


I’m not sure exactly how you would go about the auction but I have seen a few on Instagram that work really well, the problem though would be having the outreach to the people that are wanting to bid on them, would need to advertise it in some way first to maximize the bidding potential :thumbsup:

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Impressive collection for sure, but at this stage it become weird i’m sorry to say that. That’s way to much accumulation imho, even for a warehouse lol

Atm @mia, the best thing to do is to make a list with quantities if you want to get help this way. Somes seeds have no value (i recognize somes packages), and some others can be true collectors than a few guys can fight to possess. Physically i mean ^^

Sad story, honorless, i hope that the community can help you get back on your feets then go ahead.


We could just hold auctions here. Make a thread for it. Paypal works for payment because if she doesnt send seeds then paypal is cool and helps you out of gettin ripped off.

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Sure… But I don’t see any intention from @mia … also there should be some test buy before more people send money so we all know it is legit…

I recommend that some established member could serve as escrow.


Great idea. Paypal would be pissed doing all that. they also take the money straight from the ripper so they get shit on. Especially if they spent the money alreadyXD

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I second this thought. It is for the best. Maybe @mia could tell us if she agrees… Cool!

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hi mia i’m glad you made your way over here :slight_smile: is an amazing resource for searching cannabis seeds/strains

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