Edibles from AVB

So i bought a box of brownie mix and im gonna use already vaped bud to make edibles… What is a reasonable amount of already vaped bud to add to it?That isn’t going to make it crazy potent as It’s for my girlfriend mostly because she doesn’t like to inhale anything besides the air we breathe but she loves a good cannabis buzz for her sciatica pain…But also needs to somewhat function and go to work daily so can’t be wrecked for a day or 2 like some stories I’ve read.


None, that’s like saying I am going to roll up this trim and popcorn buds I washed 3 times making bubble hash mix it with my my joint ashes and smoke it.

Use non vaped bud (canna butter) if she likes the buzz…


I’ve been reading everywhere already vaped bud is perfect for edibles cause its already decarbed… I was kinda excited to be able get stoned twice of the same bud( kinda like the stoner version of killing 2 birds with 1 stone) looking for everyones opinions i may still try it just the same.


It works but will taste like absolute shit. don’t think it’d be enjoyable. I would recommend saving the avb for making a topical which can be pretty effective and making edibles with some shake or bud. While there still is some thc left on vaped bud it has a completely different profile and would probably give a very lazy, sleepy high. Definitely not something you’d want if having to work all day. Whatever you end up deciding on I would test each batch on a non work day to know how it’s going to take effect. Being high at work can be risky.


Really your vape leftover is just an add in for the full strength stuff.

It just adds the last of what is left in the weed, from vaping, your not going to get much from it.


Make firecrackers with it.

Firecracker Recipe:

Peanut Butter

Take a pretzel drag it through the peanut butter then roll it in the AVB. Nosh.

Super sleepy time meds.



There may be some medicinal value left in your product, but if your vaporizer is a good one, shouldn’t be much.

You may need lot’s to receive medicinal benefit from that. Good brownie roughage though :smile:


I’ve been saving abv (already been vaped) for a while, and it’s really sort of spent and nasty…
more of a novelty to keep it, thinking I might find a use for it some day.
It doesn’t smell good, and it doesn’t taste good if smoked in a bowl.

I’d have to agree with relegating abv to making topicals…
Why use that if you have a bag of larf or shake around that you can make canna oil from?
Hell, I don’t even bother with keeping roaches… :smiley:

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This is my first venture into AVB

I just made this in a small experimental batch.

3/4 cup butter
9g ABV
Sealed in vacuum bag and boiled like a sous vide

It tastes good. It smells good. I ate a teaspoon an hour ago and I’m feeling pretty good…

I haven’t baked with it yet but so far all signs point to positive.

I am planning a 9 brownie pan which is a gram a serving.

Edit: in the interest of full disclosure I never stir my vape oven so my bud is more like 3/4 vaped


So I ate this last night before billiards.

It was a half dose tester.

I’m glad I didn’t eat a full one.

I managed to play well enough but I was tripping balls for about 5 hours. Took about an hour and a half to really kick in.

Very potent, very intense trip. Going out in public was probably an error.

I assure you: already vaped edibles pack a hell of a punch. I’m going to try a 1” x 1” square and see how that goes.



Whats the best way to utilize ABV?

Starting to really dig using my Pax3 again, and don’t mind saving it if it’s useful for edibles. Worry about the odd burnt flavor though…


I’ve been using all my AVB in brownies I find it’s always stronger than when I use my trim to bake.


Newb question here - do you prefer the mix in abv direct to the brownie mix? Or, do you infuse with the butter (coconut oil etc.) for 20-30 minutes and strain?

I’ve seen examples of both, curious if you’ve tried and can provide any pov difference?

Thanks :v::peace_symbol::green_heart::v:


I’ve done both and haven’t noticed a difference, last batch was both infused coconut oil with some mixed right in.



So the abv you use, I’ve noticed sometimes my Pax3 oven gets too hot, still trying to find the most efficient setting for it, but my question is this, what grade ie. color of brown to burnt will you utilize? Obviously not tar black, but curious if you have a certain level you’d reccomend.

Thanks for the thoughtful replys! :peace_symbol: :v:

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I will snap a picture and post it when I get home but to give a example my ABV looks kinda like cigarette tobacco.


Nods, the Golden brown. Not burnt, that perfected roasted color


The biggest problem is one of dosing.

On a regular edible run made with weed I use 3.5g per 1/2 cup of butter.

In an abv run I might use 9g in that same 3/4 cup.

I place the butter and the abv in a vacuum bag and infuse the buttter. It tastes better this way

The only answer is to experiment and have a few happy accidents along the way. dosing is hard with abv

All the best


Before I was growing enough to use flower, I would cook with ABV. I use an Arizer Solo 2 (which I love!) and usually vape a single 5 minute session at 360°. I think that leaves plenty of potency to be extracted from my very lightly toasted ABV.

The first time I used it I infused 2/3 cup coconut oil with 9g ABV. I made a recipe which gave me nine peanut butter cookies (so, 1g each). They were way too strong for us. One quarter of one cookie was plenty. Note that we are lightweights…

Edibles are amazing once you dial in the dosage!


Like a foodsaver sealed bag, then you infuse then strain like that?

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