Carver Farms Mega Maid

I’m not affiliated with Carver Family Farms, but so far they’ve got a great record in selections. I grew their Mega Maid clone and harvested my first one yesterday. I kept cuts, and up-potted my mom a few days ago.

Anyway, I’m just chopped my first one a few days ago and it’s dry enough to smoke. Apologies for the rambling and poor writing but I always forget this stuff afterwards.

I smoked a gram and a half. The come-up was like what “coffee would be if coffee was weed,” I remember thinking. Happy, a little clouded but energetic. I was online writing about something or other and I kept going for an hour or so on the magazine article or whatever I ended up writing. :rofl: :robot: :zombie:

From recent memory, because I’ve already smoked about five grams of this moreish weed this evening, I noticed I was chuckling a lot. That doesn’t happen a lot to me nowadays, not going to whine about old-school, but it don’t.

Now, maybe an hour after smoking, and I’m still happy and chuckling. With sort of a pleasant buzzing around the back of my head and upper neck. Great strain for stress or focusing on things.

Edit: And an energizing feeling in my forearms and shoulders that’s warming and pleasant.

Actually, it’s a fantastic strain! I’ll dig up some pictures of the first grow. I didn’t log it anywhere. I’ll post pictures of the buds later, but wanted to get my feelings down about this strain while this strain is still the active contributor.

I went out to visit my mom today, and she’s starting to take off in her new digs. I’m out of pods but in a few days I’ll take some cuttings and flip her to flower in February. What’s that saying, love thyself?

Sorry, rambling. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow but expect to see me self this cut too.


Are you going to cure your buds? Or just smoke on them? Sounds like a killer cut. Right on man, glad you found something you like.

Stay kind


I started it too early and this strain doesn’t stretch much, so the buds probably won’t last through cure. The next run is going to start big and end bigger.


Here’s a Mega Maid I’m running right now in a Home Depot bucket, taken yesterday. This one is really putting on the weight and definitely is worth her time in the tent.

I supplemented with some minerals including sulfur a few days ago and she smells fantastic! Like a rotten fruit - fruit rollup smell. Sticky, dense, hard buds. I think she’s got a few weeks left to go though.


I haven’t posted in awhile. Has anyone heard of a photoperiod that, once pollinated with auto pollen, all of its children turn out auto?

That’s what happened. I threw some auto pollen on a Mega Maid, grew out 10 seeds and got 10 autoflowers.

Outdoors, she starts blooming right with the summer solstice. But I’m revegging a cut, so she’s still very photosensitive.


Ooohh this adds to the mystery of Mega Maide. :face_with_monocle:
Starting cto test her now (it’s a little early), took to75 days, lots of nice milky trichomes. Got a sharp initial hit of fruity/ citrus type flavor, real nice buzz. Trying as a day smoke now and is plenty heady for still functioning, yet can step on the gas and get a bit more challenging to get stuff done! The big thing for me is body drag. So far it’s light / little drag initially. Kicking in later is suspect, but I gotta put other weed down to be sure. :rofl:


I’m really glad you’re liking it. :+1::100: And I can practically smell those fat buds from the picture! :fire:

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My Mega Maid got knocked up by the male DG87 autos. She’s well- laced with seeds, probably too loaded. Anyway, as I’ve mentioned before, she drops auto seeds when she’s bred with autos.

And she’s already dropped these seeds (with a little help). Because she’s out in the greenhouse, her seeds are probably going to all be done before she is. These are some seeds that were about to fall out on their own. It’s going to be a while before they’re all done.

This is some future project, so I’m naming them Gräpe Mädchen. Never know, I might need that name. :sunglasses:


I hit mine with Scarlet Grapes auto pollen a few days ago. It took so I’m already eager to see what happens! :+1:t3:

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I’ve noticed that “fast” strains (photo x auto) flower at solstice and generally are hair-trigger. But not quite auto.

I’ve also been seeing some really LONG auto flowering traits (24/0 lights and 7-8 months old mother plants) from an Alaskan blueberry line. Shouldn’t have ruderalis in it but sure enough she started full-on flowering after half a year

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You sure she was a photoperiod? Seems like a fast photo


I’ll see you in two months, friend. :joy: But seriously, that sounds pretty good. :fire::hot_face:

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Sure, but there’s more. The reason I’m calling her an auto is that I have yet to grow a photo out of her offspring. All 7-8 of them have been auto so far. She’s only been dusted with auto pollen, of course.

You need to guarantee a lineup of two recessives each mating and if she had both, she wouldn’t be photosensitive. She’s an enigma currently, so I call an auto.

I’ve only grown out a few seeds so long, and for the next generation, who knows?

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I’m sure she’s probably a fast photo. Her lineage is completely unknown. But that just makes her a photo that happens to be fast. Her children should be a mix of photo and auto after breeding with auto pollen. Or what I was actually expecting, which is photo.

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I had some fast photos herm and I got about 25 percent auto. Fast photo times auto sounds like a much higher rate of autos

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My Mega Maid clone went into flower on the summer solstice outside and I took this cutting a few weeks later. She’s almost back to veg.

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I just chopped another one. This one has had to deal with much heat and dryness this summer, but she still smells delish.

As always my generosity has left me short. So I already put this on the dashboard of my pickup to dry.

I think I got a great yield for this non-stretching lady. Now there are only two ladies in the tent.


So the cola I left on the dashboard? It’s my best Mega Maid harvest yet. :fire::fire::hot_face: There were places with a lot of amber and places with a little. If I count from the summer solstice, that’s 84 days. But she’s been outside until a few weeks ago.

She’s fairly-well seeded. This is because she bloomed so early, while I was making DG87 seeds. There are more seeds than I’m normally comfortable smoking around. But not so many that I can’t just process the whole plant for them and have a bunch of unseeded shake for doobs.

I’m pretty pleased with the line I was working on when she made these.

But it’s a happy not-quite-an-accident to have these seeds. Because there’s a lot I’m curious about with this strain. :raccoon:

Like why, when dusted with auto pollen, are her offspring (apparently) auto? Hmmmm❓

I’m thinking that maybe Mega Maid is an auto. That one in a thousand seed packs that was supposed to be auto but isn’t. I had an auto that did that. Recently. I ran it twice. So maybe that’s what this one is.

So yeah, stay tuned and I’ll keep you posted about her kids.

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Yeah, there is that possibility. I won’t know until I’ve grown a few out. The first seven I grew were all autos. But I must be absolutely sure! :zombie::magnet::test_tube::woman_scientist::lab_coat::dna::globe_with_meridians:

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It sounds like a new project.

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