I decided to give Corey's gonuts strain another go

I’ve set to watch the show. I’m considering alternatives to growing in soil like always.
I was rooting for you to get more girls than this when I started reading. lol
Damn the torpedo’s, full steam ahead! :wink:

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This is the second time I’ve used the autopots. I did my first 4 grows in soil but the plants seem to grow faster in coco. The difference in growth is remarkable. Since I like to travel a decent amount before I learned about autopots watering frequency with coco was an issue for my lifestyle. It’s probably a weird thing but When I got into growing I promised myself I’d never get in a situation where I had to pass on a trip because of a plant I had going.

Anyway thanks for following along and the words of encouragement. :+1:

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I flipped the lights on July 3rd, so she’s been running 12/12 for 10 days now.

She started showing female parts a couple days ago. Already working on some baby buds:

Lots of bud sites here. I’m hoping she continues to run strong. :smiley:

1 Female plant out of 6 gonuts seeds oh well let’s make the best of it! :+1:


Flower flip was 2 weeks ago today:

Here’s one of her top buds at 2 weeks into flower:

If the plant isn’t showing any signs of needing anything, there’s no reason to switch the nutrient lineup right? It feels weird feeding the same mix the whole grow but I’m not fixing it if it ain’t broke.


I’m feeding the same mix with three different strains in coco/peat/perlite and having kickass results check my gauntlet of clones. If it ain’t broke :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :metal: sorry I was referring to the same mix with different strains. I now see your using a stand alone nute. Peace

watching yours good luck

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Dang dude. Don’t feel bad, my last grow I got one female out of 5, and this one is one out of 4. Baby your one girl man, she does look beautiful!

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OK so not a ton going on here with the gonuts plant. Just cruising through the early parts of flower.

I made a few very minor changes to what’s in her nutrient tank. We finally started our monsoon season a few weeks ago. I have a very basic rainwater collection system that just collects runoff from my roof into a 5 gallon bucket. I started using rainwater + few drops of "fish sh!t + masterblend at slightly less than 800ppms. I’m still using the base formula with the MB fertilizer. She’s been showing slightly burnt tips, so I don’t feel comfortable messing around with her nutes too much at this point.

Here’s a close up of one of her nicer buds in the front. Sunday will make exactly 4 weeks since I flipped her lights.

About a week after I flipped the light schedule, I fired up my closet tent (2’x2’) to keep the clones I took from her on an 18.6 light cycle.

I’m the type of person that won’t run a tent that empty for long. My friend @DefNSmokn gave me some Tombstone F2 seeds that he made a while back. Decided to pop one of those in the soaker about 12 days ago:

Second coat tail rider is a Bad Dawg Genetics freebie that I got from a GLG order over a year ago. Let’s try one of these fancy pants breeder strains. (Cindy 99/Sunshine #4) It’s been strong out of the gate and here’s this seedling at 5 days old:

That should be enough to keep me out of trouble for now. Stay tuned I’m hoping the peanut butter smell from Ms. Gonuts starts in a week or so. :smiley: :crossed_fingers:

Thanks for stopping by.


Awwww yeah! Go Nuts looks great!! Im hoping that Tombstone turns out female! Garden is looking stellar, my friend!


Geeze it’s been 10 days since I posted garden pictures here? Let’s get everyone up to date.

Go nuts is chugging along. It’s my first time using masterblend for feeding. Little bit of a learning curve but I think the plant seems like it’s doing at least decent:

Snapped a quick pic of one of her nicest looking buds: 5weeks + 1 day since flower flip.

I believe I have read on here that Gonuts is a 9-10 week strain. That should work out nicely for my schedule if she holds true to that calendar.

The babies are all doing well. Getting bigger! I topped the tombstone F2 (right front plant) earlier today.

Hope everyone has a great week. Stay lifted!


Well things are humming along in my tents. I have been moving the small plants in to the flowering tent during the 12hrs on. I’m a frugal fellow and don’t like running 2 tents if I can run one tent and accomplish the same goal.

Here’s the gang as of 5 mins ago:

Gonuts just turned 6 weeks in flower today:

She ain’t the prettiest plant around, but her buds look at least decent to me. Maybe I’m biased :smiley:

Not the best bud in the world, but I’m working with masterblend in auto pots and it’s my first go at it.

I think my next autopot run I’m going to use gh maxibloom at 1/2 strength to start. The autopot plants seem to prefer less than standard PPM’s. Just seems like if I run anything close to full strength I get tip burn that gets worse if I don’t back off.

Another change I’m making is instead of backfilling the sides of the pot with pure hydroton, I’m using 50/50 hydroton/coco. Give the roots a little more room to branch out if they want to.

Here’s my gonuts clone. I think I took this clone 10 days after I flipped the mom, so she’s been growing weird/random plant parts trying to find her groove. I’m in no hurry honey you take your time.

Here’s my buddy. Tombstone F2. Topped it 5 days ago. Got it’s first LST clip training yesterday. If you look close you can see the green clips hiding in there. Day 29:

Last but not least still in the 1gal pot is Cindy99/SS#4 from Bad Dawg genetics. I topped this plant earlier today. Day 23 plant:

All of the small plants are being fed with Arizona monsoon rainwater + Urban Farms Texas Tomato food at 500ppms + a few drops of fish sh!t.

A buddy of mine wants me to try to make seeds if one of the last two are males. Might make an interesting cross we can call it Tombstone 99. :smiley:

Thanks for stopping by.



Things were getting crowded/hectic in the tent with the vegging plants getting bigger. The trichomes have been mostly cloudy with a few clears but they seemed to be changing very quickly the past few days. There were very few clear left when I looked at her this morning, so I put her in the dark tent for 2 days then chop on Saturday.

Here’s a close up of one of her nicer buds:

I had some issues that I believe were caused by salt buildup in the root zone. A few days ago the yellowing leaves were really accelerating so I took a shot and flushed the plant with 1 gallon of R.O. The runoff PPMs were 1260 and I’ve never given this plant over 850 PPMs . The plant seemed to like that. So I flushed it again the next day with 2 gallons of rainwater. It’s been hanging on but I think it’s ready to finish.

Next run I’m using Texas Tomato by urban farms in veg and Garden of Eden by urban farms in flower. Also I think from now on I’ll flush the plants when they transition to flower. Maybe flush once again at 4 weeks or so of flower. I think I’ll use my masterblend with my next octopot outdoor run.

I’ll check back in here when I get the gonuts plant all dried and trimmed up.


I still got plenty to keep busy with.


Cindy99/SS#4 Bad Dawg freebie day 34
Tombstone F2 by @DefNSmokn day 40
Gonuts clone cutting taken late June.

Couple tomato plants in there for when the weather here cools off they’re going outside for a fall crop.

I think I learned a lot the last grow. Should be fun to see how this gonuts clone turns out running different flowering nutes.


This is an exciting line up youre rockin here! Garden looks happy n healthy! :v::v: