I decided to give Corey's gonuts strain another go

Soaked the seeds May 1st. They’ll be 3 weeks old on Sunday.

Today I transplanted them from 1 gal pots into their autopots. I veered a little off the setup instructions for the autopots. Basically I used 100% hydroton outside of the original 70/30 coco/perlite rootball.

I did this because when I disected the rootball from my previous autopot grow, all the roots were concentrated in the bottom of the pots where the hydroton is. Trying to see if I can get away with backfilling the sides with hydroton to use less coco. Hydroton is 10x easier to reuse.

Hope I get a couple girls from the group. Also hope I get one of the ones that taste like peanut butter.

Thanks for looking.


they look happy. best of luck with your grow!


Looking good Oh… curious to see how this plays out with the hydroton!

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looks like its underway and flourished. props. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I’m hoping it works well.

One of the things I always do when I chop a plant is hose off the rootball and try to see if I can improve my watering habits.

My first autopot grows they all had tap roots that went straight down to the bottom 2 inches of the pot and spread out from there. It looked like a huge upside down roofing nail.

I like experimenting with my grows. Trying new things that I haven’t tried before to learn about the process.


Looking good so far.
So are all 4 plants regs and have not shown sex yet?

Yes that’s correct.

Last time I grew this strain I vegged a 7 gal soil plant for over two months and it turned out to be a male. :neutral_face:


They turn 3 weeks old tomorrow.

Filled the autopot res this morning and turned it on. They are on masterblend @880ppms until they show they want something else.

The one back left sure looks like a dude it’s just more aggro than the other 3 by a MILE.

Thanks for looking.

Tagging a few folks in case they want to follow along…

@Eagles009 @HappyGoLucky21 @ReikoX

Everyone have a great weekend. :grin:


Looking great bud, Autopots huh. Sounds fun ill be tagging along!

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They turn 4:weeks old tomorrow.

I’ve trained the heck out of the suspected females in front. The back left one has the stature of a dude, so other than topping it a few days ago it’s had minimal handling.

Still no signs of sex. I’ve grown this strain before and they are always stingy about showing sex early.

Everyone have your best weekend.


Looking good, autopots?

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Yes. Autopots with as much hydroton as I thought I could get away with. They are the 2.2 gallon ones that came with the 4 pot system.

Using masterblend for tomatoes at 880 ppm.

Perfect! I have a brand new xl 9 pot autopot kit but I have never used it.

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Everybody seems to be doing fine. Turned 5 weeks old yesterday. Family photo:

I topped the big plant (suspected male) a few days ago. It was getting closer than I like to the light, so I cropped it’s 4 tallest branches. I did this about an hour ago so the plant should recover quickly.

Back right plant has been pushing out funky-looking curly leaves that straighten up as they grow to full size. Not sure what’s up with that but the plant seems healthy.

Front left has been deemed “most likely to be a girl plant” so I took a cutting and cloned it a few days ago. I’ve been training this plant aggressively for lots of tops and an even canopy.

Front right is a little more aggressive, but that might have something to do with not being right next to a huge towering plant hogging all the light.

Here’s my cutting/clone attempt stuffed in to the shadiest spot in the tent. :smiley:

I’ve flipped the lights to 12/12 twice first time was for 2 nights second time was for 3 nights about 5 days ago. Still no hints about what sex they are other than obvious differences in stature.

Thanks for taking a gander at my garden. :+1:


Looking good man
Seems you are indeed rocking the 70/30 proper


Thanks and Yep it seems to work really well. My first autopot grow kinda blew up around the same time.

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OK not a ton going on in the gonuts tent.

I did a lot of defoliation on the tallest plant I think it was Wednesday. The plant had recovered from the 4x supercrops so I topped the 4 supercropped branches and removed everything underneath that wasn’t in the main canopy.

I’m trying to train this plant to put all the buds in the top 6 inches of the plant. (it’s probably a guy, but I’m trying this anyway just for fun)

The plant in back on the right got the same lollipop treatment this afternoon.

This one has a major branch going up the left side that will be perfect to lay over to help fill the void in the tent if the big plant in back grows balls.

The squatters front are still doing their thing.

I turned the light off in the tent yesterday for 24 hours straight. Still trying to get them to show some sex parts. Two more days they’ll be 6 weeks from seed soak.

Everyone have a great weekend.


Well after 5 straight days of 12/12 light cycle the two biggest plants in the back of the tent started growing balls. Pulled them out for the compost pile.

Found a couple notable observations when I was pulling them.

Good/healthy rootball action going on:

I was a little surprised at how much the roots still grew out to the sides of the pot.

Plenty of room in the tent now. I’m tempted to veg the two remaining plants a couple more weeks now that they’ve got the room.

Clean up of the autopots with the extra hydroton was super easy. I’ll recycle all of this except for the fine coco.


Well the other short/squatty plant showed balls so I’m down to just one plant left. :smiley:

I switched the lights back to 18/6 for more veg time, since we got more room in the tent now due to the culled males. :I’m going out of town next week for 5 days. I’d like to veg this plant at least another week maybe two. Depends on how she fills out the tent. Plant seems healthy still having fun here!

Everyone have an amazing weekend.


Well it’s been a week so here’s a new peek.

She made it through the week with no supervision from anyone. If I knew for sure that one of the clones had rooted I would flip the plant into flower. I should probably wait until I’m 100% sure one of the clones are going to root. I only have 3 of these seeds left. I’d hate to grow something amazing and not be able to grow more of it.

Have a super holiday weekend!