I have a pollination question

My question is…can a female plant be “re-pollinated”…take my plant for example, shes been pollinated, right. Now will she develop more pistols that i can pollinate-down the line or did the initial dusting change whole plant chemistry into making seeds flat out?

yes you can, but you have to let the seeds develope the whole cycle 5-6 weeks starting from date of pollination.


Once you dust any part of the plant the chem will change but don’t let that stop you from aiming for a branch for chucking. When doing determined chucking i’ll pollenate the same bud sites multiple times over a week to make sure it takes.

Doing it to late though will just have the plant put energy into producing unviable seeds instead of flower and ripe seeds. :fist:

Aim for week 3.


Only the pistils that receive pollen will grow seeds, so you can harvest or pollinate the rest of the plant with what ever pollen you like so you get various strain seeds.


Yeah if I’m doing a seed run I will pollinate on days ~21 and ~28. Just to make sure I’m making as many seeds as possible. I don’t usually pollinate past that as like others have said, you need a good 5-6 weeks on average to make mature seeds.


Alright thanks guys i appreciate everybodys input

What does chucking mean in marijuana culture?..im unfamiliar with that term.


A chucker is somebody who makes seeds on a small scale with minimal plant counts which is not breeding.

It’s often a pejorative, but fuck ‘em :+1: make your seeds however you see fit.


I love how the OGer that taught me that term was the one that answered! :rofl:

@Foreigner :fist_right: :fist_left:


Eh, I’d think a ‘Chucker’ is someone that ‘chucks’ pollen from one plant to another, usually “elite” x “elite”, with no selection nor prior work done to either line beforehand. And then they don’t work the lines they chucked either. You know, like Greenpoint Seeds :sweat_smile:

But in this context from Pigeonman, 'chucking" would literally just mean pollinating a branch or plant. The act of applying pollen to said branch/plant.


That’s what I was thinking too @HolyAngel . Someone can have 100 plants or 1000 plants and still be a pollen chucker if they are not using a selection process but rather just letting nature takes its course. I don’t think the number of plants matters in the definition but the process does. That’s just my understanding anyway.


If the plant is putting out white pistils, those pistils can be pollinated.
Even pre flowers along the trunk/stems can be pollinated and develop viable seed.


I can say this now after my last batch of seeds came out.The sooner you can pollenate the better if you want some hardy thick beans.I hit them as soon as I seen them white hairs and ran them till they rattled in the seed pods like maracas.Best healthy beans I’ve seen so far and the shells on these things are thick as hell.The other ones not bad but not as thick as these guys like little suits of armor


I like the term chucker. It always makes me picture someone walking through a huge outdoor grow with a wicker basket filled to the brim with pollen. As he walks he grabs fistfuls of pollen and just chucks it everywhere leaving a cloud as he walks. It makes me grin :slight_smile:


I want to become A seed chucker and go to all 50 states and toss seeds EVERYWHERE


Viable hemp seed sales are raising the price of hemp cake. Someone other than hemp producers are growing lots of hemp. Probably victims of the weed seedbanks. The high is about the same between legal hemp and seedbank marijuana. Hey whatever gets seed sold by the 50lb sack for 20 bucks can only knock these chuckers off their pedestal I suppose. Replace chuckers with hemp, what’s the difference? The price…

I got RKS from a dispensary at $20 for a 50 pound sack.

I think it was made by a chucker though…

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I’m a proud chucker lol

ACDC X ACDC = More ACDC :rofl:


While I am not a real fan of weed from licensed producers I have had some good stuff from them. Certainly much better than hemp which has to be under 0.3% THC.

You and me also :slight_smile: Nothing wrong with pollen chucking at all. Especially if the breeder has created a stable line.


Is that an CBD strain?

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