I have a question

Wow! That is hard to hear. I thought they were better than that.


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In large population studies, there is clear evidence that especially when grown outdoors, if a population herms to make sure progeny is made and fulfills life again, than that subsequent population does not have a increased percentage of herms, in fact it shows that a minimal amount of the subsequent population from a herm population actually relays the herm probability.

I’ll see if I can dig up the papers on it, but most agriculture studies require population in the tens of thousands, which again isn’t something most do, and so the fact that we are now genetically inclining these plants to thrive under artificial light, tends to make things even harder to understand.

Now the thought patterns are that if a female shows male parts, no bueno, but if a male shows female parts. Then muy bueno.


I am such a novice on this topic I just try to take in all the info. My first Sour Bubble run had the males throw some pistils after it started pollinating so I killed the males and grew the females out of bud. They had already done some pollinating so I did end up with a bunch of seeds I kept thinking while I wasn’t going to pass them out I could grow them out myself and see what I got. So are you saying that these seeds would be more coveted by a breeder since the males threw some pistils @Enjoi802 ?


Following what I’ve learned from some of those who have already leveled up way beyond me, yes though, the seeds should be infact held in higher regards, at least if your in tune with some big name breeders are choosing to do.
It took me quite a while to wrap my head around, but since every plant carries X and Y chromosomes, though this is not the direct source need to produce offspring, instead on can produce offspring A sexually (self replicated) and allow the populace to continue with normal breeding activities once populace is increased.
It’s a very adaptive plant, and one that wants to survive, but when these things aren’t forced and just naturally occur is when it’s good, telling the difference between user error, and built in mechanism is a fun game though. Most breeders will bring the plant into the sun for a flower run, but what most people talk about now a days is genetic sensitivity, or poorly selected parents who have hair triggers in our artificial environments, now that’s a whole other story.


The plant dropped his “balls” first and they were prevalent for about 2.5wks and then pistils started emerging. I didn’t put it under any pressure it just started hermi-ing on its own.

Dammit man that was the exact pattern of this plant…but I’ve discarded it since, now I’m salty😤


Here’s a great article if anyone wants to read up on some controlled experimentation


Damn. Last year I chucked a male Soar for throwing pistils as it started dropping pollen. :sweat_smile:
The more you know! :+1:



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