Is this a Hermie, male, or pollenated female?

Hi all,

I have a plant that I can’t tell if it’s a male, a hermie, or possibly a pollenated female. Would love help. Photos below. The potential hermie doesn’t have any pistils. It’s just a lot more dense than the other obvious males. And if it’s a pollenated female, it’s a lot farther along than any of the other females which are just starting to flower.

Ones I am confident are males:

One I am not sure about:


Man talk about running a stud stable, every last one of those are males, females would have white pistils, all I see are balls, lots and lots of banana balls


I second that :point_up:


I can ID Males and Females fairly soundly. It’s just this last one sort of looked less obviously male. So not a hermie?

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I third this☝️


That one on the bottom is one mean looking boy, look it over real close for any pistils, but looks good from here.


No Hermie, just a frostier than typical male, certainly no female pistils


It’s a good looking dude. No pistils and from I’m seeing a potential keeper. Throwing a damn good amount of Trichomes from the looks of things. Always a good sign. Looks like a nice shade of purple just peeking as well. Tight flower clusters. If it dumps I’d definitely attempt to collect some pollen.


Thanks All. After a little more photo and videos of the garden. The males are all getting cut down for pollen collection.


I ain’t sure, but they look just like that


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Totally male stub muffin.

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All plants were cut down and pollen collected. Hopefully New England doesn’t get too cold in the next 3-5 weeks impacting healthy seeds development. :crossed_fingers:

Let’s try again…one at a time so I cam remember what it is.KBOH. seems male.


Does this look herm? There is a sack I think inside the flower tops. The flowers are way behind.

It’s the GT.


Ok, I can usually spot males pretty early but these two plants have me scratching my head… it has plenty of female hairs, but unlike my other young’uns, these also have tiny yellowish round “things” mixed into the center of each young bud… nothing male-looking on any branches or in any crotches… just these tiny “dots” mixed in with the fuzzy parts. My camera isn’t great on taking closeups of small things, but I tried:

This one is cropped:

Also worth noting: these are clones from a female plant grown from a feminized seed, BUT at the end, just a few days before I would have harvested her anyway, I noticed a couple of boy-flowers, so she was turning Hermie in the homestretch. No other plants in that crop had flowers, balls or seeds. I went ahead and chopped her down that day… she only lost about 4 days of growing time until she would have been put in drying phase anyway, but I didn’t want to risk giving those boy flowers a chance to mature. There were no seeds in it, so apparently I caught it in time.

PS: here’s another view of the pic above… with the contrast turned up a little:

They are three days older now than when those pics were made… here are more pics where the little balls are slightly bigger… they look like tiny cabbages tucked in among the girl hairs… They are only on this strain, none of the others have mini cabbages…

One section of the other plant:

A closeup of the top:

The closeup plus markings highlighting the mini balls:

Zoomed in on a bud:

Same but with markings:

So… what do y’all think about these buds? Are my girls trying to join a boy band?


I think you would have been okay for four more days. The boy flowers or pollen sacks have to mature, explode, hit the female pistol and then 4 to 6 weeks later you will get a seed.

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That’s the mom plant that I found a couple of boy flowers.

The ones in these pictures don’t have not flowers or nanners. Just these tiny bumps inside the buds.

I’m asking everyone if these are also Hermies.

Does it look like this?


Looks a little early to say for sure, but I think you’re good. I had a female do that. It had huge bracts and no male sacs

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No, these tiny bumps are much smaller than the two big balls in this picture… so far.