I have no idea what’s going on

I’ve used general hydros brand also cal kick from plant prod.

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I don’t see in your datas something enough weird to justify these necrosis everywhere (young and old leafs). → More datas. Specifically the stage of the plant (veg/flo lenght).

I known everybody around are after the epsom salts and the cal mag rage in a few posts, but when i’ve to face a disorder like that i’m generally using zyms first to be sure than the problem is on metabolism/uptake and not nutes. The green in the core of the plant doesn’t look like washed.

Maybe take a full sample of the soil (all the height), to check if you don’t have something alive inside. And hungry. Checking for bad scents of the soil itself also.

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Either Mag deficiency or leaf septoria, imo… since you’re growing in soil I’d lean more to leaf septoria


Bro, do yourself a favor and check the soil ph. Same thing happened to me last year and I lost quite a lot of my work. Was only checking the water ph before I noticed that my soil ph was outta whack.

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Examining the pic a littke harder, It’s so far along I’d just give it some nicely ph’d balanced feeding it is a mag def it should pull out if it, if it’s leaf septoria I’d just start pulling iff affected leaves until finish


Yeah, no watering the top surface, only after sowing into the small pot to get seeds germinated, and then sporadically, no watering in the outer ring where the kitchenscraps go.

Dry top layer prevents fungus gnats.

I use a big fabric pot, because fungus gnats can lay eggs in the bottom holes of regular plastic pots, doesn’t absorb well, fabric helps regulate moisture levels a lot and spreads it out evenly sucking up the water and holding it so that the soil can absorb it, it’s a very gentle method.


When your potting into soil are you Cooking your soil at least 14 days prior to putting your plants in it?If you mix all your amendments in to the soil and toss the plants in that day it won’t have time to chelate and break down the amendments so your plants can have access to nutrients.That process will be going on as your plants roots sit in it.Ph will rapidly go up and down with temps and all that jazz going on the plants do not like it at all.Will cause all kinds of leaf problems to full blown nutrient lock out till the soil is cooked.By that time it might be too late once the damage is done it will have to run it’s course.I used to have problems that looked kind of like this till someone taught me about cooking the soil.I don’t have this issue anymore


Are you ph ing your h2o?

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I never once have checked ph of my soil and my plants do great . Just ph my water however I’m running nutes. I myself find it so much easier then organic but just mho

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I’m not letting it cook… I will try it next run

Not to often

Hey @Rogue Grass clippings & leaves from the lawn/forest don’t present an IPM threat?

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I am no moderator, but I think someone should remove the bad weeds of OG.

When you arrive, register and start cursing @ everybody and don’t even present a constructive solution…hummm don’t think it’s OG material.

It’s a clear scream for bann and to be kept out of this wonderfull community.


Probably one of the Sock puppet accounts that trolls on here and gets stupid opens thier big mouth and regurgitates Nothing but Teen angst and gets busted then banned then spends the rest of thier pathetic time trying to open up more troll accounts.Also they smoke Midz


On this one and others alike, I don’t expect to be backed up, just immediate action.

But thank’s for the backup, feel right.

If this was a reply to “do you check your water ph” then I’d definitely start there.
Otherwise it does look like magnesium, but the reason your plant is deficient isn’t necessarily that there is no mg in the soil.


IPM is just a judgement, a label, not necessary…

I have all kinds of insects in my soil and legions of rolly pollies, now and then some gnats, had thrips when it was hot, the damage is really minimal, the plants don’t give a fuck.
Diversity keeps itself in check.

I understand the damage can be huge when growing purely hydro or whatever, but in organic living soil and permaculture it’s all seen as essential and part of the whole, every living being has a role to fulfil here, just because we don’t fully grasp their role doesn’t mean we should murder them.

Companion crops and cover crops can lure insects away from the cannabis.


Sure looks like Septoria. You said you had it last year, too? I’ve had it come into the house from growing outdoors.


Yes I had it last grow… never heard of Septoria until now… definitely down know how to prevent it

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# Identifying and Dealing with Alternaria on Cannabis Plants From Maximum Yield magazine this month…

It’s very similar to Septoria in some of the looks. I have no clue how to prevent it. Not sure if preemptive spraying would prevent it or not.

Having it two years ago, I couldn’t stop it. The fungi even found it’s way into my grow room inside and screwed those plants pretty good.

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