What is this problem? (disease, over water due to heavy rain)?

Whats Up gromies!

So I live in Mass. New England and the rain the past few days have been keeping everything extremely damp I have mushrooms growing like crazy! I use a (back to Eden) style grow outdoors (wood chips aged and mulched for over a year) this is my first grow in over 10 years plus I’m at a new location. I’ve been building my soil for about 3 seasons using No Til and permaculture principles. I can’t figure out whats going with these couple of plants can anyone please help a broski out??


Its looking like the beginning stage of a calmag deficiency to me…

Here a full blown calmag deficient leaf … See the similarities?


yeah I definitely see the similarities and I agree
Thanks man


Hey @HammBone welcome to OG iv heard of that style of gardening here and there once in awhile if your using well aged wood chips and such my guess is that your soil is heavily leaning to the fungal side with fungi in the soil my guess yo probably have acidic soil with that much fungi present have you ph sampled your soil? My guess would be a ph lock out of those minerals mentioned above maybe some dolomite lime to raise ph but check first soil ph and go from there !


Cannabis is more of a bacterial dominant type plant when it comes to soils however I’ll bet your perennial plants absolutely love it is my guess!


From what I’m seeing here in posted pics the spotting is on somewhat newer growth as opposed to the lower section of the plant which leads me to believe it’s an immobile nutrient were might be dealing with here.


Yes thats definitely part of the issue because I have mushrooms growing all around every morning especially this past week being so humid and shit! Thanks and HELL yeah my garden does incredible but I also noticed I’m seeing this sorta thing on most of the surrounding trees and bushes in my neighborhood. now that I think of it they have been spraying for mosquitoes im in a “high risk zone” maybe the poison :skull_and_crossbones: shit they spray on us


Ya check for them damn sap suckers also with a loupe just to make sure to cover all your bases have you scoped for pests?

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yeah I have caterpillars for sure… I pick them off as I see them while I’m pruning and shit plus I’ve noticed leaf hoppers and there’s always little flies similar to a small housefly just hanging around on the tops of the leaves but I think the dragonflys take care of them for the most part

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anyone know of anything to boost cal mag organically and having it bio available to the plants immediately?

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You could get the magnesium from epsom sat apply foiliar as far calcium you could do egg shells in vinegar for a day or so then dilute out the calc/ vinegar 1:500 or so a KNF concept

Make yourself a fried egg sandwich for lunch!

The eggshell/vinegar ratio should be 1-10 by weight IIRC check out earlier posts of my grow thread I make a calcium solution on the cheap

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sounds good man I will definitely try both… have any suggestions how much Epsom to use for 20 gallons of water?

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so I picked up some soap … hopefully I can stop those little bastards before they get my buds all full of shit

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I believe like a TSP per gallon works well more is not better so don’t overdose .


Looks good try an Oz per gallon for starters increase if necessary

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So I dunno whats going on and its getting worse. the worst part of this particular issue is that its slowing growth down dramatically! I got one of those cheap probe digital PH meters (dough=low right now) but I really don’t trust that thing. The screen starts at 7.0, but once I put it in the soil it immediately seems to jump up to 7.9 or 8.1 then drop to 7.0 the majority of the time it reads 7.0 rarely will I get a reading lower 7.0…? I realize now I’m going to need a good soil PH meter for the clones and moving forward to next outdoor season.

I’ve tried feeding with filtered water adding Epsom salt, molasses, corn sprout tea, worm leachate, using vinegar to PH down to about 5.5ish

using the Castile/lite neem oil/garlic/peppermint spraying twice a week but I only use the neem in the mix once a week

Any thoughts are much appreciated as always!!!
Thank You

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I have used Biomin Calcium to fix a calcium problem in the past. Not the best option if you are notil but it is organic. It is one of the only organic cheated calcium products on the market. This would be the fastest way to get calcium through the roots. You can also foliar it on…if i remember correctly.


Hmmm kinda of hard to read this one in the same plant you have clawing which could mean a couple things over water and excess nutrient of some sort if memory serves me but on the same plant you have pretty good tacoing going on heat stress build up of salts?


I use a recipet, this is it:

You need the shells of six ecological happy hens :chicken: eggs. Pulverize them. Put two liters of water to boil. Whwn tit start to boil, add the pulverized shells. Add one spoon of Epsom salt. Keep it boiling for five minutes. Put it apart and cover it for 24 hours. Then take out the shells and that’s it … :sunglasses:


we are on the exact same tracks my dude… my train of thought went under the same bridge once I noticed the leaves starting to cure dramatically in a short time (a few days) I haven’t fed them in awhile because its been raining a fair amount every other night or so…build of salts probably due to elevated soil PH even though I try to PH my water when feeding them…

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