I hesitate to put these images up!

If you were using the down and used to much this could very likely be your culprit , that stuff comes in some really concentrated forms sometimes, I had some that would adjust 40 gallons by a few points with a couple drops , it was hard to use. It often takes the pH adjusters a little bit of time to fully work also so if you don’t mix and wait sometimes it’s actually more then you wanted. That stuff works by adjusting the amount if hydro carbins and the reaction needs a little time to occur. Other then that I’d suspect fusarium or similar wilt, I don’t remember was this in soil or hydro ?


What do you mean by “planted in compost”

Many plants simply enjoy a bit of compost being watered in from a light topdress -

Very confusing situation indeed


I’m not sure what I would do in ur case… beside finding out what happened - I’m not sure you can recover. Day 60 ?? is a pretty nice time to happen rather than sooner in the grow. Looks like they went ahead and hang dried themselves for u… what strain is this? Seems convenient :nerd_face:

Probably call upon the hash gods to help u :joy:


Plants really so dry it’s hard to say (would have loved to see a few pics from the days leading up to this). The close up leaves you showed look pretty dark green with some variegation that looks like overfertilization. Compost alone often has enough fertilizer (just depends on what you let rot) for the plant to finish growth (and usually way more than it needs which is why you blend it into soil) so if you planted in straight compost and then fertilized… you get the idea.


I agree it looks root related from a possible lack of gas exchange relating in fusarium or some other pathogen. The hardening off of the stems is normally a fair indicator that something serious is up.

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my apologies, my soil is 1/3 compost, 1/3 spagnum peat-moss, 1/3 vermiculite: that is what “I” call compost, sorry for the confusion.


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yeah, it was sort of like someone throwing themself in front of a bus to save a child, but they failed to notice the bus stop right behind the child at the road.


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