Revegging Plants/Stumps Dying

Ill appreciate any help regarding a situation that has killed two plants, and apparently a third one soon.

I had three early revegged stumps just like this:

Two of them started showing weird symptoms: they were firm, very green and upright, but they had their tips soft and burnt or wilted. And then, they died in a matter of 24-48 hours. I thought that maybe this had to do with overwatering. The pots were heavy and the stumps were small, so I thought maybe I put too much water.

The third one had not been watered yet and looked fine, even grew a bit more this past two weeks. Until today - today it started showing the same symptoms as there others and I have watered very very little. So im not sure if this is consistent with over watering or if it could be something else. Any idea?

There were more tips with same symptoms but I clipped them to see if its progressing.


It looks like over watering. All of the leaves appear to canoeing.

Did you flush before harvest? They look light colored and may just be a little hungry.

Distance to the light?


i didnt flush, i feed at 1.3EC 20-10-20. distance to light is about 15 inches and off in a corner.

I have never seen revegging done this way.
Could the tacoing be caused by light stress?
The wrinkled or twisting leaves could be a number of things from root problems, watering practices, or pests(like gnats).
I suppose that it could also be a nutrient overload, considering you’re giving this one little start the full load of a full grown plants nutrients through this stump.
Let’s hear what others have to say. :slight_smile:

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I usually leave a lot more plant material for re-veg, preferably, with a few small buds.

Over watering can cause the roots to rot due to the lack of plant material for them to support.

What are your temps?

It could have been the strain I re-vegged (AK-47), and I only have a couple of data points, but I’m not a big fan of it. It takes a long time and there was a clear difference in the potency and bud structure between the original and the re-vegged plants.

Don’t let my experience deter you though. It certainly could have been something I did wrong.


Oh, i t had more material (bud sites) that eventually i cut off because it was decaying. I am not put off by revegging. i have done it before like this successfully. but i dont understand what is going on… i m afraid i can lose this one. its a good one.

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As a “Hail Mary’” I’d cut the root ball back to as little as possible and toss them in a cloner or a glass of water and try to get them to start over.

I feel bad for you. I’ve lost some gems.

Good luck.

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If I see it progress from this point I will…thanks !


My best reveg’s are with plants with leaves still remaining. Also, a root prune and repot seemed to work as well. just some thoughts, good luck - it is great when it works, keep at it.

If the stump is gonna die, cut that little baby off and try to root it :slight_smile:


I’m currently waiting for my first batch of reveg clones to finish revegging, so I have little to offer in that front. But I have a question about your nutes. 20-10-20, is that jacks citrus?

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It’s peter peat lite special

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Old peat? Medium pH too high? Remind me, what percent ammoniacal is PLS?

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Yeah, that big of a pot I would take it out and prune the roots back as was already said, they will start to rot otherwise.

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8.1 I believe

Ok so in terms of N, it’s 41% ammoniacal, 59% nitrate. I don’t expect medium pH to rise over time in “average” tap water. How’s your water, what is the total calcium carbonate / hardness? Even if this isn’t the cause, it will still help us both understand what the arena is shaped like.

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my tap is 120ppm. i have never tested specifically whats in it. i add a bit of calcium and magnesium (2g per 5L) to compensate i believe to 140ppm (i may be wrong there, i havent done that math in a long time). there is small amount of gypsum and dolomitic lime within the mix of peat/perlite/vermiculite. and thats about it.

im thinking im going to end up prunning the roots…ill let you all know if it makes it.

thank you all!