I’m in need of a bit of help

not really, just a little more complicated…


Thank you for helping the little guy out. All he wants is a forever home.

I have four cats, two are strays that came out of the woods. I take the ones I’m able to catch to a no kill shelter to be adopted. Some are just too skittish to even approach. That little boy is very friendly.

People that are kind to animals get my utmost respect. I’m very guilty of judging people by the way they treat animals.


I’m just glad I found him a home so quickly. Keeping a pet a secret would be impossible in my house. :innocent:


Oh, your not going to be able to keep a pet cat a secret. That little shit rat would make it very obvious he was in or around your home.

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Amen my friend :pray:t3:


im a dog person but mine and everyone i knows have chips identifying them, that can be read with a machine at any local vet.
im sure the owner would appreciate that as the cat looks to not have been living on the street for that long?
maybe they would then try to force you to take the cat to a shelter if they couldnt find the chip/owner though.
i have a good enough relationship with my local vet to circumvent that, but thats probably more rare, maybe someone else here within driving distance does as well.


Thank You for being responsible and caring. He is a cutie


Really good point. his cleanliness and personality do look like he may have a home. It’s worth checking out. If not chipped, you did what you could, but it does appear someone out there is probably missing him.


Or somebody got tired of caring for him. Any time the econ goes to poop many well cared for pets got dumped.


Unfortunately your right.

I had this cat show up on my back porch about six months ago. Most cats just kind of stay away from the house. But this cat stayed on the porch for like two months. So we decided to take him to the vet to get checked out and to see if he had a microchip. Sure enough he has a chip. So the vet calls the owner. Owner says “we have a bunch of kids and we don’t want him back”. I felt so sorry for the big boy. He is so loving and nice.

He is our cat now and will be the rest of his life.


Looks like a nice cat, seems like he likes you

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That cat is cool as f. Check him out chilling on top of the lotto tickets :rofl:

You will never have a problem with mice or any other pest. :100:


What is that next to him on the counter? Was you feeding him beef jerky?


“I found my home, time to sleep and not have to worry about predators” Out like a light. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah thats jerky, he didn’t eat that much only a few chunks.


That is definitely your cat now.


I had to give him away unfortunately. But he did get a good home. Gave him to a regular that owns a shop to be the new shop cat.


Cool, that is what he is.


Well ya went and fed him, so even though he’s been adopted, it’s your cat now! :rofl:
Seriously though, don’t be surprised if he finds his way back, lol.

I’ll tell a crazy/funny story.
There’s this beastly tom cat that hangs around my moms place. He is effing mean. Always beating up hers and the neighborhood cats, pissing on my hay in the barn, and I’m pretty sure it killed a chicken or two, lol. She wanted it gone. If it was a nuisance varmint, I’d easily trap and[enter your imagination here]. But a kitty, no matter how feral, can’t do it. Yes, I’m a fully grown adult male cat lover hehe. So…I set a box trap(live trap) and finally catch the little asshole. He was pissed! I take the thing about nine miles outside of town and release him at a feedlot/dairy bordering a small creek, thinking “ok, water and plenty of mice, he’ll love it here!” Here’s the kicker; about two weeks later, i shit you not, this GD cat was back at my moms house! Now a dog, I could totally understand. But a cat!?! This little bastard hiked nine miles and had to cross a five lane highway! I told my mother that no matter how much she hates it, it’s her cat now. :crazy_face:



Good :blush: n you @Habitt

May karma shower you with good fortune :pray:
