Paying tribute to a good friend and family member

Hey there OG. So it’s been a tough day. Had to take my cat in as he fell ill on Sunday. While he was at the vet he experienced a seizure and then cardiac arrest. At 10:30am this morning I got a call saying he was gone. He was part of our family for over 7 years and raised from a kitten. He had a special relationship with each member of my family and was loved by all. Now that I have told my wife and daughter I am just processing this nightmare and wanted to post some of my happy memories with my little buddy to try to keep those things in the front of my mind. You will be missed not climbing on my back when I open my tents. Missed when you don’t greet me at the door when I come home or leave me at the door when I leave. Missed not climbing up on me to take a nap every day after dinner. You left a hole in my heart and that of my whole families. I am grateful for the time we had with you. The love, friendship, comradery and all the other joys you brought to our lives were irreplaceable. RIP my little brother, you will be missed.

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There are no words… My pups are like my family I couldn’t imagine.

Keep your head up DubbleD! Community is rooting for you.


I’ve got a freshly cried on shoulder you can cry on. I put my dog down week and half ago and still having random bouts of crying. Sounds like you were a great parent and y’all will meet again someday.

Stay strong Doug!


Aww damn brother. That tears me up hearing that. Taking a moment for your family member my man.


Yes brother, remember all the good times! It helps. So sorry for this experience. We’re all here for you. Condolences to the fam.
Such a beautiful fat kitty. RIP Tigger!


Sending love your way. Losing your cat hurts. Especially when you’re that close. He’s a handsome fella!:green_heart:


Thanks everyone. Been down this road a number of times before and it’s always tough. Just had to post some of the happy times and there were many.

Sorry to hear about your Pup @imstinky , my condolences :pray:


Doug, this brought tears to my eyes.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I know exactly how you feel!

Hugs to you my brother.
RIP Tigger! :crying_cat_face:


He reminds me of my first cat. He had been there before I was born so I have no clue how old he actually was but my mom said she had him over 20 years. He really was like family I miss him licking my hair on random Saturday mornings


Thanks for sharing some of the happy times you had with your family member, brother. I’ll keep you in my thoughts :bear:


Doug I feel for you brother, I cried for a week when my cat died. I still miss my homie, it gets a little less painful every day. We’ll see them again on the other side… when we rejoin the singularity :+1:

P.s. your cat lounged around like a human gangster & all around real character, i love it!


Aw nooo! I’m sorry for your loss Doug :sob: There are no words to cover it… He looked like the best boy there :heart: RIP


I’m so sorry your beloved cat is gone! I can tell it was a happy cat. A very sad day this is.

Our 2 dogs were closer to us than human family. They were like our children. I cried every day for months when our first dog died.


Oh man that was a lovely tribute to your little buddy, I’m really sorry to hear that mate saying farewell to our loved ones can be really tough emotionally so I feel your pain. Stay strong brother and just keep remembering all the good times and things you loved about him.


I feel for you and yours. Losing a pet is more than losing a good friend your are losing part of your life. Glad to see your beautiful friend and being able to share in some of the joy brought to you.


Was he the bad boy that mowed through your seedlings? Sorry for your loss Doug.

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Really sorry to hear about losing your little buddy :cry:

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sorry for your loss man. i’m not currently a cat fan or cat owner (maybe one day), but he looks like a cool dude.


Wishing you good vibes Doug. :pray:


Yup, that’s my boy. He had a leaf addiction. But as the scorpion said to the frog, “I am sorry, but I couldn’t resist the urge. It’s in my nature.”

Thank you.

I was never a cat person myself when I was younger. Was not until I got older that I realized I could connect with all sorts of things. He was a cool dude and certainly had enough character to fit in very well.

Thank you.