I need a beginners crash course in PPM

Totally an easy reference, most definitely lol

Do you do hydro or soil?

What is it,ppm chart

Excludes the ppm of the water ?
I’m trying to get this ppm stuff better myself,

My water out of my tap is 0.34 ppm ,I use cal magic to get it to a higher ppm ,maybe I’m doing it wrong

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0.34 ppm? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull You mean EC? hum|nullxnull I hate EC because there are three different conversion rates to ppm, depending on the brand of the pH measurer you’re using icon_e_confused|nullxnull. You can see that in the chart kindly provided by LabRat.

If your water tap is too low on ppm, so less minerals, you will need to complement with some Calcium, that’s OK for you to do it, here you can find some useful info on how they interact … beer3|nullxnull


Sorry, missed your reply, I’m on soil, but did DWC once, why were you asking? :sunglasses:

Ive been planning on following this chart as a guide line until i figure out what my plants like.

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Excuse my sincerity, must be a chart from a brand product to send more bottles hum|nullxnull, I don’t know what others may think but I see those values too high, you can fry them … beer3|nullxnull


only one way to find out i suppose lol. Im watching the plants very carefully will dial back nutes at the 1st sign of a burn.

I’m in flower and been at12-1300 ppm. Seems to be doing just fine so far

I was thinking more on the early grow and seedlings stage … :sweat:

Good chart to go by, I average the same ec as that chart during growth.

I ran these numbers, but the highest I went was 2.1 ec

And that was 3 weeks before flush for two feedings then it went down in ec from there.

(Was running botanicare line, but recently did the switch to jacks “city limits”) [includes calmag in the nutes and doesn’t jack up the Ph as hard as the botanicare did, which for a 2.1 ec feed brought my water to 3.8 ph. With jacks it brings me to 5.2]

400-500 ppm was too much for my seedlings ive lowered it to 90 ppm and dont see any burns on the new growth.


Honestly, I don’t start throwing nutes at my plants until 5 nodes up, but I’m running promix bx.

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what medium are you growing in?

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Also when your not feeding nutes are you using RO or Tap water for that 1st 5 nodes

ive read just plain RO water can actually be bad for your plants so i went with a low mix of 90 ppm instead of straight RO water

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Promix BX with a 25% CoM Stonington mix and 50% add of perlite mixed together in Octopots.

I don’t not feed, in my octopots I keep the rez topped off.


So that would be a soil mix right?

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im assuming your soil already has some nutes in it when u plant new seeds?

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