I need a beginners crash course in PPM

Just saw this on their website.


key point is whats in the * part

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Makes sense

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Back to situational to your plants, water, soil etc lol

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saying that they have given a base guide for you assuming they have given a ppm scale though one can “usually” assume a 0.5 scale though as its most common vs a 0.7 scale, and if they haven’t err on the side of caution and under feed that by say 1/3rd or a 1/4 and then work up.

and in the end the plants will tell you what they want, the meter is just a tool for another point of data and to make it easy to replicate values or see whats going on.


I mix all my nutes in a gallon jug , double strength as per recommended by the packaging, top off my reservoir with plain water , leaving room for nutes. I use e.c scale take a reading and adjust as needed with nute solution. .2-.4 on seedlings and slowly ramp them up to 1.1-1.2 during veg, 1.2-1.4 during flower…after the e.c is adjusted to desired level then I adjust my ph. Generally my ph remains pretty stable 5.9-6.1. Don’t usually have to make many adjustments, I don’t use a feeding schedule, I read my plants and they tell me what they need. Tried the schedules just don’t work for me. This works for me. I also use plain tap water , I have 4-6 foot photo plants on very small hydro system, growing 4 foot+ Autos in bubble buckets. I keep it simple and very happy with my results, last harvest produced almost 2lb of dried ready to smoke. Hid lights in an 8x11 room


Hope you don’t mind me chiming in, but here are some good articles that will help with questions you are having. These are written for coco, but the general theory regarding measuring conductivity and PH is the same no matter the medium. They helped me a lot!







Be wary of following instructions provided by producers . Always start low. I’ve never given my plants over a 1000 ppm in flower. Usually that would burn my plants. I’m rarely ever over 900. That’s on a 500 scale.


I worked a Green House and we had a problem with a Peters product they sent a Tech in

he told us that when they figure out the application rate for the fertilizers

they would run it to burn than dial it back he said to us start at half rate and work up

this was in 1983 and it stayed with me til today

you can always give them more it is hard to take it back

be safe and be free



I use megacrop. My understanding is that750ppm is 1.5 EC. My water runsabout 300. It’s is PH at6.5
I usually try to hit about 550 to 600 ppm in veg then higher in flower. Never above 900. I alternate big bloom in the last four weeks and hit with cal mag ever four weeks
I tried switching to foxfarm and nearly burned up
Some plants.
I am careful with long term moms
Using rain mixed with my well water to reduce ppms and use CFL lights on them instead of LEDs


Perfect timing with this thread… i just received and used my first Bluelab EC pen yesterday. I’m also challenged with understanding this stuff but learning fast, some good points in this thread.

I have been using Megacrop 1 part, in Root’s Original medium. Going by the recommended dosage from manufacturer i found i had toxicity issues. Most experienced growers say to run auto’s at half strength… i run auto’s during winter for the lights on heat.

I’m having a few good runs lately, albeit a bit of yellowing from underfeeding earlier this year. I upped my nutes and things are looking good.

So i mixed as usual yesterday, and broke out my new pen. Recorded the details… i now have my baseline and i’m right around the numbers people talk about.

Again, thanks for the thread. I’v already put a few things together that i was unsure about prior.


Definitely following this .

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My EC and PPM pens arrived today and I can’t wait to get home to play with them lol. I have the exact same questions. Search PPM here and there’s a FAQ thread talking about it, with a breakdown of how much PPM per nutrient for each grow cycle. It’s cool cuz it gives you an idea of how much of each nute a plant consumes in PPM form, so technically if you had every single individual nutrient in a powder form you could get it right where ya wanted it I reckon. It helped things clear up in my vacant lot upstairs, but so did discovering this thread!


So I’ve always just gone by 600-800 veg

800-1200 2-3 weeks flower week 3-6 1200-1600

Week 7-8+ stop 1 week before flush 1600-1800

Never really thought about it and my ph is 5.8-6.5 range

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I found this chart and sort of follow it:


I am using three part Advanced Nutrients pH perfect, what I do is add less than recommended and then complement with CalMag, next time Grotek Sylicate Pro, another one Grotek Grow Max, then something for the roots, molasses …

That way my plants get what they want in small doses and different times without getting ppm’s too high … :sunglasses:


I like the chart seems about right with what I do , only difference is full veg. I’ve been as high as 1200 ppm. Depends on what the strain wants and what it can handle :+1::+1::v:


I know people that feed high until leave tips are burnt and then go down from there, I prefer to have them a bit hungry and avoid salt buildups. It’s easier to add when needed than to recover from a nutrient burn … entripao|nullxnull


I veg for longer periods of time usually have 5-6 footers take them up slowly if needed. Not a definitive schedule, let the ladies tell me what they need. :+1::+1::v:

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Lol no matter what I do my ph crashes… so ive just started water 2x for every 1 feeding. I havnt touched my meter since

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Print this out for easy reference if you like.

You’re welcome. :wink: :smiley:
