I need teen clones badly

I’m in the SW Michigan area. I need some teen clones ready to flower bad. I’m really behind and want to catch up. Who can point me in the right direction?

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@MadScientist, I’m not actually in Michigan, but that’s the closest state to me with legal use. I was just hoping to score a blessing from somewhere so I don’t have to wait for these seeds to get big enough. Also that post you linked to was from 2010. I think I’m up the creek with no paddle. I wish I was in a better location.

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Didn´t look at the date, but it took me 5 seconds to find it. Maybe in 5 minutes you can find a next door neighbor/caregiver who will help. Craigslist if you´re up for it. Careful tho.

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Yeah I’m a bit nervous to go at it like that. I was hoping to find somebody vetted through here or another page with people vouching.

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You can try this site. https://www.allbud.com/. If you allow location details, it will show what’s available nearest to you. Otherwise, just enter some Mi. zip code. Hope this helps.

@LemonadeJoe can we delete this whole post please?

We can leave it as inspiration for others… More appropriate is probably our #trading-post category…

In that case, if we’re leaving it, I’m still in need lol

Oh man, Craigslist.
I’d rather smoke wheat straw than to hit Craigslist up for anything illegal.


What are teen clones?

@Viva_Mexico typically when talking about clones we’re talking about something freshly rooted. Teens are well into veg. Something that’s more ready to flower.


i know @Swampthing has many clones of awesome varities available for purchase although i’m not sure if they’re even rooted. at least clones have the full maturity of the parent to flower sooner. try PMing him.


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I talk to @Swampthing almost daily. He tried calling me earlier but I couldn’t talk. I’m going to get some off him for sure I was just hoping that somebody closer could hook it up with something ready to flower so I could finish a cycle while I get some beans and clones setup and ready to go

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ok cool i forgot about that, clones generally are ready to flower as soon as they root, you just need a whole whackload of them to fill a space i guess :smiley:

I’m in an oxygen pot system. I can flower 6 or less at a time

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I fill a 4’ x 4’ scrog net. SOG isn’t my thing

Not such thing as teen clone. Rooted established clones in a medium are teens. Just rooted clones in a medium are clones
Unrooted are cuts

Ps no way to send teens in 1.7ltr pot in mail. And this time of year only cuttings can make the male trip
Anything w roots will Die


a foot or taller would be a teen, in a galllon or more.

The bit about mailing rooted clones in winter is false…ask me how I know.

It doesn’t pay to make generalized, all inclusive statements like that.

Stay hazed