I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

What dosi do ?? I don’t have that :see_no_evil:

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I think that is how it works, I was a little unsure thou about this detail thou

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lol I was talking about doing the dosi do dance move in all that room in the tent. :rofl:


Yes all the cuts were legit , I got real real lucky as he no longer answers his phone nor does his site work or been updated .

Yes Dixie with holes in it , pour into that , then plant pot


I total missed that , lmao ! Yes I could dance in there , lol


So tonight is first night in YEARS I have been able to join friends and go to Critical Mass :sunglasses:

One of my favorite times . 6000 folk on bicycles escorted thorough out downtown by the 5. 0 !! Goes 18 to 30 miles or so . 90 percent are stoners , everyone smoking . It’s like. 420 party on wheels . I love riding right behind the lead squad car and burning a joint , lol, They are off duty and 100 percent cool and don’t care what we do as long as we don’t hurt anyone or cause any damage . People pulling carts with 5000 watt stereos blasting . Some on roller blades, a few on 45 mph electric uni bikes , party bikes with 10 people on em all pedaling , you name it it’s there .

OF COURSE I set up my Felt with 3 inch streets , tall gearing , and the big battery , Set her to 2500 watts , we WILL BE the fastest thing out there , and I love taking off from the lights and hammering away ……with the hot bike riders standing up giving it all they got……wondering why the Hell they can’t catch the ole grey haired man on the mountain bike ???

Lmao ….it’s funny …. I sit down Pedal away , and crank the throttle . At night you can’t tell it’s an ebike unless you know . During the day 95 percent can’t tell either because motor is hidden bottom of crank and battery is on my back in a small backpack :sunglasses:

Cant really hit a pipe going 25 mph , and a joint lasts about 2 minutes before it burns up at speed . I’m mostly flying , my 2 other friends are also on modded ebikes. Passing a joint at speed results in to getting burnt up .

Was at my local head shop earlier today getting some papers , may have found the solution .

CANNAGAR , why didn’t I think of that before?

Got 2 different sized ones , see which I like better . One shorter fatter one uses 3.5 to 7 grams and burns for 3 hours they say , the other longer and thinner , 4 inches long , uses 2 to 4 grams and burns an hour

This is the longer thinner one . The rings are Hash :+1:,

Have this

That I will either melt into the Gar before I paper wrap it or lather paper in it then wrap the cigar . These papers are exact size of the longer one and should work well .

Hope they burn well , should be a fun night

Thinner one has 4 grams bud 3/4 gram hash .
Bigger one has 7 grams of bud 1 gram of hash and 1/3 gram of Purple Hindu Kush

Gonna go take dogs out and try the smaller one


Should be able to get 15 minutes outta one at break neck speed ! Lol


Burns awesome


Seems like every time I stop by your thread you have something new and cool to show. I’m digging the cannagar :dash:


Damn that Critical Mass event sounds like a GREAT time!! I love biking. I am that dude who’s pretty quick, wondering how I just got smoked by some old head or child. These ebikes are crazy. Someone almost ran me off the road the other day on one. Young kids, no brains, and instant torque can be a frightening combo.

Here’s the BD and SC both at 37 days. You’ll notice how much quicker the SC sets in. She’s fast.


You should run some Dosido sometime though.


Smoking that you need something like this, so you don’t fall off or tip over. :rofl:
My ride. If you corner too fast and don’t lean to the opposite side, you can flip it. I’ve done it twice. No Bueno. :rofl: 8 speed this tops out at 11 MPH unless your going downhill.


Beautiful , looking forward to see that :sunglasses:

CM is a BLAST , especially on my bike. Where I just pedaling it would be different for me , lol .

I go to party , people see, race , lol , jump off curbs at 35 mph , wheelie through downtown , hit 60 going down big bridge , general mayhem . See how much bud I can smoke , share with anyone who yells

Whoa …. Who’s got the dank ???


Think Mardi Gras on bicycles


Way the DD10 is set tonight she will wheelie in first 2 gears and hit 50 or so , more downhill , 5 mph faster if I pedal and help , lol .

Tonight I won’t be helping much CANNAGAR s are most excellent , molds were great investment

Thing refused to go out , not sure how long I hit it but I’m lit and couldn’t smoke anymore. I’m a joint guy , this is better than a joint. Has a hole down middle so it draws real well and easy . Smoke is smooth smooth going through 7 grams of itself , lol . Hits fantastic, doesnt go out , love the wooden tip .

Musta hit it for 20 minutes or so , maybe more. Not sure how much I burned , goes deep into the tip . As usual advertising is bullshit . It might go 2 hours , not 3, or 4 . Bet I smoked 1/5 th of it .

Don’t matter , thing is cool as hell , hits great , last forever , I love it . Rate the molds a solid 10/10 !


It’s a good thing you grow your own weed. :rofl:


I like mine got a 2 gram and a 7 gram mold great for a group of people .


Oh yeah , this one gonna be good


Yup , got nuff to play with , makes it a no brained to try new stuff. Really like these

Gotta feed dogs and load bike n head out

Wonder if is should bring both of these , mostl likely loose one if I do , I know me


Have fun. Be safe. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah and I bet it works great on the bike tonight . Be perfect for a party or - small group of people .

They for $$& don’t know why just bud in most