I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Hey Jet, now that no one is reading secret, what the heck is TK? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Triangle Kush , cut only


Thanks, now I know what to look for … beer3|nullxnull

Ogah did the trick alright . Made the pots up , placed in tent , moved lights around , hooked up air flow , all I gotta do now is transplant and fill the octopots .

But first……4 day hanging Wedding Cake , lol
Couldn’t help myself . Took tiny lol bud off bottom , still pretty moist but REEKS and I think it will burn . Going to find out right now :sunglasses:


outta Likes George…

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It was touch n go for a day or two but the INKBIRD has remained in control and not one time has room exceeded my VPD alarm settings on it . So much easier this way , bet it turns out well .

Think room has turned the corner and humidity is getting under control


Is that a screenshot of a “SensorPush” unit ??

Yes it is , what my room is reading right now

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The one I have in my CannaTrol has a white background and I only had it a couple weeks but I like it so much I ordered another for the tent. Got the most accurate one for cannatrol and the slightly less expensive one for tent. I’m just using Bluetooth so that may be why.


Tent 1 back in service, this Sharmpit run is on! Note to self 2/23 trans day

Cough is Strawberry Cough, Blue is Blue Dream , L cap is Lost Cap my X to Mac 1 Cut, LC is Lost Cake my X to Wedding Cake .

Blue/Cough stay under this light. Other 3 not sexed, females will go to right side of tent against far wall under the GLS 300. Sharms babies get the entire 640 to themselves when needed.

Rooting now, light at 15 inch’s, par is 450 . Be “suspended animation” for a week or so, then we can get to growing them. Thanks again @schmarmpit ,giving them the best i got!


Looking good brother!!

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Thank you sir, it starts :crossed_fingers:

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Im WiFi , White Fire OG…no , lol, WIFi in the house. Dont have White Fire OG :poop:


You measure PAR ? I have a newer Apogee I use.

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Yes how i set my light height and power levels .


Im curious what PAR and DLI you aim for and what you base your levels on.

Nice and clean looking brother

Great line up as always

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Nice smoke report on the BW, so everything you got from the clone guy was legit. Can’t beat that.

I see what you mean by the turbo method now I think, put the empty cups in w/ holes….pour water in, then replace cup with plant and wait for the roots to reach reservoir.


You got all kinds of room in that tent. You can do the Dosi Do in there.

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Have run the plants before I know what they can handle . I run 600 to 800 in veg , 800 to 1000 in early flower , 1100 and up late flower