I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

You see what I did there right ?


No, I probably missed it. :rofl:

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Looks like a whole lotta fun.


That’s a lot of stoners on bikes. What happens when you get the munchies? You all stop at mickey d’s or sonic :yum:


Those fat tire’s rock. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Looks like a fun time


We stop at a strip center halfway through ride for about 40 min . All manner of vendors set up to sell beer and food .

We see wrecks on very ride . Last night no exception . Only difference was I was involved last night .

Stupid ass 16 year old on a PK Ripper doing the stupid wheelie trick . Where he goes dead sideways and then cuts back hard the other way . I’m doing 30 mph , he maybe 20 . He cuts inch’s in front of me and loses it . Right in my face . He hit the ground Hard smacking his head . I was maybe 6 feet dead behind him , nothing I could do . Slammed into HIM , right in his side at a good 20 mph. Hit hard enough it bent my 600 buck forks :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: I didn’t go down but racked myself on my top bar when I hit him bounced 3 feet in the air , and came down with my nits on the top tube .
Hurt like a Mofo

Dumb ass kid looks up at me , looks at his side and sees my tire print(no shirt no shoes no helmet) says


I look at him , still laying on the ground , and said

Play stupid games …… get stupid prizes
I then rode over his right leg as I left :sunglasses:


Kidz and their bikes :rofl:


CANNAGAR huge success .

I really really like the smaller thinner longer one called the personal .

I had to put it out 6 times last night . Got high as I could 6 times on it , maybe burnt a 5th of it .
Did NOT burn up in the wind , refuses to go out, hits brilliantly , better than any joint with jet hole down the middle .

At midway stop point I hit it till I about fell down. Had there not been a building to fall into I would have hit the ground. My buddies were not much help . Each hit it twice and would have no more .

They burn beautifully and LONG , this sucker probably will go 2 hours of solid puffing on it .

When I got to the part with the bubble hash in it it fumigated 100 yards behind me , lol and people were commenting all night , lol

Brother on a 36 inch tires bike pulled up to me and asked if it was me stinking out the street . Asked if he wanted a hit . Typical , he hit it like a fool , you know , cloud out the mouth , into the nose , hit it like 9 times before he exhaled.
Hands me back the joint , about the time he exhaled. I could still hear him hacking , standing over his bike in the middle of the street , from 300 yards ahead of him . Lol


:joy::open_mouth::joy: too f’ ing funnny Jet

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Hey Jet where did you get those molds from?


Local head shop. Made by Purple Rose Supply. REALLY work well and easy too. 100% happy with them, just ordered another as i coukd not find the 1-2 gram “mini” here local.

Gonna try right now to use my 2-4 gram mold and only use 1.5 grams, see the size it comes out and how long it will burn for


Blissful Wizard, 7 day hang so far… :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: Amazing smell n flavor already, certainly chsnged from the 4 day test sample. !5 day hang gonna be outgrageously delicious. Smoking it it coats the mouth big time, and smack my lips good .

used 2 grams to make the mini gar

Curious as to how long it will burn for, about to find out


Looks dank as f :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Nicely trimmed bro great job


it is, and the taste is fantastic, wish i coukld describe it.

Gonna light the mini up, put back on Cocaine Bear…see if it’s any better STOINED, lol. Be cool to see how long the lil thinbg burns .


Back in 2004 I was working the clone room at a club in Oakland. One day, this cat comes in with some completely mite-covered clones of the Strawberry cough because it’s originator had died and this guy was attempting to distribute cuts so it didn’t get lost in time. The company didn’t want anything to do with them because of the mites. I snagged a cut, cleaned it up, and grew it out and four different people nearly whited out when they smoked it :joy:. I have had a couple cuts since then that were tasty but not it… The real Strawberry cough kicked serious ass, I hope that is what you got here.