I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Sounds like a great idea and in that of seeds you could find a couple gems. I’d love to see two plants in the octo lol but 100 1 gal sounds pretty interesting. A lot of different needs to care to all at once.


So that’s what I can’t put a taste too huh , orange


Half WC half Mac , half WC rosin half Mac rosin

Gonna put me nite nite


Of all the plants in the big tent, i find myself liking the Blue Dream from Scharmpit. She is big, healthy, has budsites everywhere, and her smell and stick level are already good! My good short telephoto lens died, she is so big it’s hard to get good shots of her with what i have. Stood up in top of tent on ladder with wrong lens to get these. Taking my lens to repair shop today see ifn it can be fixed .

The Dream is already making plenty of bud here on day 23 or so. Scharm tells me the Strawberry Cough is much faster builder, here, DB is ahead, or has larger bud than SC, at the moment.

Few leafs showing signs. Have not sprayed, they have not been wet, keeping feed on track. Was worried bugs again. Just pulled like 25 leafs, sat outside with loupe and bong…no bugs , no eggs, no nothing. Few leafs have spots that look like the have been eaten. Like burned almost round circles. Wonder if i have a bigger pest creeping in there, lol. Edges of leaf lost color, wierd. Not many leafs like that, only a few bit its strange.

REALLY good to see no signs nor eggs from the mites. Have not checked Mom tent lately, will today.

Plants starting to suck some water now. Filled 3 days ago, already on empty. They are gonna suck some serious water in a few weeks time. Last fill up they got their first taste of “transition” nutes, and loved it. Ill ease them into flower nutes next 2 weeks time, smack em a good hit week 7 or so.

Lost Cake is everywhere, not even gonna try and contain it. She has run over her next door neighbor, which is also Lost Cake so i dont care. I didnt take cuts of either, have Mom of 1st one, and have plenty of seeds of her . She looks excellent, different than the one i took down a few weeks ago. Could be she is WAY more LST trained however, with no real main stem anymore and 50 growing heads.

Lost Cap is getting nice nice! She is certainly WAY different than Lost Cap, the Mac1 Cap’s Cut is plainly visible in her. Big time. With a quick glance i might think it is Cap’s Cut. Look closer however, it is NOT!

Strawberry Cough, to me, is nothing special. Looking i mean. I have run many plants that look just like her. Nothing out of the ordinary. Cant wait to see what she is gonna do!!!

Can ALREADY tell Blue Dream Santa Cruz Cut is staying in house. Just know ill love the bud from her look, bud building structure, smell and stick already. She is gonna have NOSE aint she @schmarmpit ???


Yeah not surprised the Blue Dream is killing it. She is good enough to do commercial, it’s why it’s all I could find for a good 2 years or so. Smoked nothing but blue dream.

Pics look great! :heart_eyes:


The fans look awesome on the dream.


It definitely in there. I feel my taste is off tho ever since covid even though I never tested positive. I rarely smoke joints an never smoke blunts I did as a when I was younger. Always bowls just what I prefer. To me it close to wedding cake with a little extra orange peel kinda spicy smell to it


Everything looking good in here @Jetdro. You finally got those damn mites under control? That Blue Dream looks fantastic. I loved Blue Dream, it was all the “high grade” I would get back in the day.


Smells GREAT, looks like she will yield big time too. I love her look


I have had it a few times, but NEVER THIS CUT. She way different than what i ran as blue dream, way different.

Scharm tells me she is excellent, i laready can see that .

Yeas, appears i have finally won…nothing in Big Tent…not checked Mom but they are kicking it in there, rooting now, i know it’s clean but will still check


Bad news on lens. 1100 buck lens, local cant fix it. Have to send off, take 3 mos, cost 500 bucks. Can buy same lens used from B&H in new condition for 450 bucks.

While at shop, i offered to trade a few lens in, all HIGH dollar Ziess’s. One is 1800 bucks , other 999, 3rd was 1299…thye offered me 300 bucks!!! When i said that was an insult, he upped to to 800 bucks!!!

Well, F me…i looked at him, gave my best FUCK OFF FACE…and grabbed my shit and left. As im getting in my car dude comes out and tries to make another offer. Im in the hot rod, i rev it up, “Cant hear you asshole”" , I wicked her to 7200rpm and 2nd gear, we produced a beautiful nasty horrible smelling cloud, that went right into the front open door :sunglasses:

I hate scammers, pawn shops, rip off folk…just will not deal wth them


They were hoping the lowball price would stick.


That might hurt ouch lol


Good news…Facebook Marketplace to the rescue. My lens was trashed, not gonna spend 500 bucks fixing it. Found a nice lens used but as new, great deal. Not as nice as the one that died, but close in quality and has better range for me .

Ill get some real good shots later as they progress, these shot in full auto mode including focus. Wide enough to get plants in (18MM) long nuff to do anything within reason (135mm) . Gonna be a perfect lens for me, ill just leave it on the camera as it can do it all. Will do good closeups too as they start to goo up .



Hey @DougDawson , my greeting card never made it to you??? How long does it take? I used 4 forever stamps on it, should of made it , was just a greeting card???


Good for you brother!!! Glad you smoked out the entrance and the shop!!! I Just got the Grand Prix back yesterday, and boy what a difference the Fuel Injection makes!!! Unfortunately can’t start enjoying it until next week, stuck out in Beverly Hills working on the Chanel Flagship store, had to fly out to do door adjustments, apparently the company we hired, can’t handle the job, and just lost huge money out of his contract because of it.


carbs are the dark ages now, drivability is so much better and so is fuel econmy too.

My Subarau outback got 23.7 MPG on a 500 mile highway trip last week.

My 700HP Mustang does 25.4 on the highway…


Not thus far bud, I will definitely let you know when it does touch down. I just had a letter returned to me that I mailed to the USA 15 months ago, lol. I have faith it will make it.


The mail system is totally screwed at times .
I’ve noticed 4/6 weeks from the US is the norm to Canada