I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Thank you sir, i agree with you. Out of Epsom, have been using, ran out 3 weeks ago, when this started


If you can squint and see the slight blue purple hue , down the centre of fingers on the green that’s what shows first usually ( too catch it quick )
Followed by lighting of edges , followed by neon edges , followed by yellow edges
For anyone else reading : )
That’s mag def
When you add Epsom to already effected plant it won’t cure old leafs but new growth will be fine


Espom in the house and added to rez, 1 TBLS per gallon


Terps love sulphur so it’s a win win ( along with mag and iron too ) 2 out of three ain’t bad
Check with paps and see how much Epsom he uses per gallon
It may be something you have to dail in etc depending what’s already in your tap and in base feed
Lookin forward to your next grow , we will all be squinted eyes watchin


What lens is it ??


+Sony 18-135


Cereal milk nice bag appeal and smell like a bowl of fruit loops or something similar. taste is a little different a smooth light woody taste I can’t figure it out yet. The buzz seems to be coming on nicely. Checks my dry 3/5 smaller branches are cracking . Going to paper bag it for a few hours then. Then into the grove bag turkey bags. I’ll check back in a hour or two an let you know what I think of the buzz


Hay jet
If I feed my plants between 550 to 600 ppm of feed total including my water
I’ll add 100 ppm of Epson salt
Roughly 1 teaspoons per 5 gallons of feed every time

If your in veg use the foop spray also but.not in flower


The cereal milk just not it for me personally taste good and smooth. Smells great beautiful bud but just missing the power I like. Didn’t seem to last a too long I smoked another bowl about half way into bucking buds and knew then it just isn’t for me. It a cool strain it does in fact smell like cereal milk.


I agree 100 percent
Good to hear it from another

Mom going bye bye today :sunglasses:

Half the power of WC and Mac


Now I can trust you , lol



Yeah it a nice smell something different than the norm. But it wasn’t that special. It be nice to have a stash but not a mother personally. How it going jet I just got to lunch. It a beautiful day here.


Much like you I’m on a quest for the best. To many gems floating around to keep a b grade


Mac and WC stay
Gp and CM do not


All good here
Up potting the Sc and Bd to octopots today

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No bueno on the GP either?

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69, pot snob. Only keep the BEST. GP is veery very good. Great taste, nice buzz but not in WC or Mac class. Beuatiful colorful buds, love it for morning time. i have like 5 or 6 Z’s of her, will keep me in morning bud rest of year, she does NOT get to stay, in fact just tossed all her cuts and trashed Mom .

Gotta have Mac/Wedding Cake Power or im not keeping it. MAC/WC have POWER and TASTE, so whats the point.

Thinking my Lost Cake will be run again.

What you think of her @Mr.greenbee ???

Speak your mind please…

@TopShelfTrees1 @HolyAngel

Holy pegged CM right. Killer look/smell/good flavor…quick low level buzz . I think he thinks my WC is like that…boy is he wrong, lol,huh @Mr.greenbee , how you rate the WC bro???BE HONEST , i always am


Not smoked anything all day so far, going to revisit my Lost Cake , see if she gets to stay or not, chime in Mr.G with your thoughts if you want to.

I will KNOW after this joint. Been in /Groves like 2 weeks now, her taste smell and power should be close now. Close nuff to call keeper or no keepr anyways…im going in, lol

Gets density from her Mother, Wedding Cake. Super dense, jammed my grinder. Small bud ground up huge. Sticky sticky too

Now let’s see what she’s got

Now that someone said it, CERTAIN orange rind on first inhale, big expansion !

Taste has changed! MUCH MUCH MUCH more orange now than WC flavors. WC still there, and WHOA, i feel her power already. Orange rind terps now very prevelant. Really good crazy back taste i cant describe.

Potent, like WC, hard for me to smoke, making me gag big time. NOT harsh, im a 55 year smoker, good hard bud with expansion kills me…this is killing me, lol.

Beautiful SMILING high, more in the head than WC to me.

Yeah , power is here alright , I’m lit . See how buzz feels , naw fuck that , gonna smoke more , lol

@ShiskaberrySavior you’d love this bud

High is very good, all in my head, hits me like a strong sativa. Spacey, lost in my own head, lol, amped up but not in bad way. If i was at the big creek i’d be climbing tree’s and jumping into the creek off them. Be nice for my “pack” walks too i think. Smoked 1/2 the joint, all i want at the moment. Getting hard to type right, lol. Wanna do something else…LMAO

New lens is cool. I like i can do shots like this, and 100 yard dog action shots with decent zoom level.



Heh, yep. All thanks to the cookies in there IMO…

Glad the WC and MAC are killing it. I thought the dispo bags i got of them were decent, not mids like other cookies lines, but also not TK or Columbian/Starfighter level strength because again, cookies. To be fair though, I haven’t grown either myself.


Nice looking buds and the high sounds fun. Nice to have energetic weed vs lazy do nothing type bud .


New simplified Mother tent