I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

That WC keeps looking at me! Very beautiful results


Beautiful flowers. Got some nice grows ahead. Spoiled like your dogs. :rofl: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Uh, AllStar actually holds both cuts via orgnkid. Clean and healthy it seems. Ghost is one of my cuts I will keep and wife and I really like it. IMO.
I really can’t say I found it difficult but I can’t say I grew it to its full potential.


Guess I’ll be online a lot more bugging people . Pulled a boner today and parked a scissor lift on my foot .
Just arrived home from the hospital high as a kite on morphine.
Just need to figure out how to do 14 stairs to my veg room and weed .


Damn SS. That will leave a mark. Hope for quick recovery. Until then…. Join the party.

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Oh damn , that sucks. What kinda damage did you do to your foot?

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Steel toe shoes??

You figure shit out pretty quick. I bet you figured out how to navigate those stairs to get to your plants already. Keep an eye on those opiates sneaky godless fuckers. “Don’t get to comfortable”


Just squashed it not as bad as it could of been probably wouldn’t of got injured if I’d of been wearing steel toed boots . I’d post a pic but don’t want to have people getting sick looking at it.

Here’s a cleaned up shot.


That’s the problem. That’s your elbow.


Damn bro get well soon

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LOOOl this pic is so good. those little hoes know who feeds em now!!

ok you sold me. i need this TK. wedding cake the mac1 and apple fritter then i can see if i finally find something that can retire the gg4 i been smoking for the last how many years lol time for something new

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sorry to hear that brother. just bring a blanket and pillow up with you and you dont even need to leave!

Grohio has said hello . Didn’t know he got same cuts however .

What did he do to get tossed ??

I’ve heard the banana is excellent , looking forward to seeing her run


Damn @ShiskaberrySavior that sucks bro! Safety first, hope that heals up quick for you.

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I’ve heard the banana og is only okay and the only really good thing about it is the vaguely banana smell :sweat_smile:

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Nice job man…prolly stoned at work, causing this and grief to your company. You dumb stoner



Tracking says clones here today by 6pm.

Guess i should go take care of putting all the cuts and seedlings in Dixie’s . Was going to wait till they showed uo but think ill just do it now, nothing else to do and pouring rain again today :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Just got out of a 3 days straight rain here, spring showers and all, definitely softened up the guerilla plots :wink:. Stoked for you to have your new cuts I know the feeling !