I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Don’t know the Diam of either of mine but both smoke well .

The thinner one , the Personal , smokes better in my opinion .
I ordered the 1 gram mold , imagine it will be thin like a joint , bet it’s the one I will use most .

They hit better than a joint does. Softer and smoother by quite a margin in my opinion


Thank you jet , thinking of going for it , thanks for the confirmation
: )
Love the new topic , fun times
Beautiful plants , very nicely done indeed , top-tier : )

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Your just cruel no pools here just mountains of snow still .


Yes! That’s cruel! Lol
We just had an ice storm! :cold_face:
I want to do what you’re doing! :swimming_woman:


I don’t know what do with them either. :rofl: Maybe use them as a bat and go to the batting cages. :rofl:


Fuckin TX. :rofl:
We’ll check back Aug 1 :rofl: :fire: :fire: :fire:


Living the life! :smiley:


Thanks fishy! Appreciate it .

I LOVE joints . What i grew up smoking on, always will smoke . For me the gar hits smoother because of the airflow hole down the middle. Smoke is smooth, soft, not hot at all, not what you’d think. More airflow than a joint, so as you hit it you get more air, not just 100% smoke. Easier to modulate how much you get. Can get a small baby hit, or a huge one, matter of how long you suck on it, lol !

The last harvest was really nice Fish. Lot of color, drying buds have color still. The frost is better than anything i have done before, the plants put out, lol.

Thinking this round will be even better.


Yeah, well it wont be 100 degree’s with 95 % humidity for 7 months in a row like I’m heading into. Almost 90F here yesterday.

My dogs have not seen snow. I KNOW they would go ape shit over it and have a big time. They could also manuever on it at 25 mph like they do mud here


At times it is really nice. Like today. 82 F but cloudy. Pool is still cold, and unless sun was out i was cold, lol.
I can pretty much do this all year minus maybe 20 days . But our summer is BRUTAL, and long !
My dog’s are not fond of 100 degree and full sun, we have to run or play early morning or very late eveing at sundown .

Grew up in Chicago in the '50’s , so i know snow and ice storms. To be honest i never really experienced it as an adult Left there at 17 . As a child i loved the winter. The storms, the frozen everything. From like 57 to 1962 or so we had blizzards and ice storms that closed our schools. Some of my fondest memories. The mini bike in the snow, skitching home from school, donuts and high speed slides in the snow.
Sleding, skating, snow ball fights!!! As an adult, well, i mean as me, lol, i would not like it as much.


CANT IMAGINE a better day or time . Pool, sun (sometimes) , fattie, my pack! Im content


Wont take anywhere near that long. We will hit 100 F a few days next month i would bet!


I realize this thread is suppose to be about Strawberry Cough and Blue Dream Santa Cruz, and pretty soon it will focus on them, but at the moment, during suspended animation , as i call it, nothing much happens. Plants are basically being straved and forced to put roots down deep and find the Rez. The goal here, lol, is to keep them healthy and not kill any till they do find it. Once found, its game on time, and some training and more light can happen. Till then, they still pretty much look the same…which, dont get me wrong, is a good thing , lol.! Octopot users here will understand .

So as filler till that point …my other stuff going

Outside has AMAZED me . GD hearty plants ! The weather was so horrible, i do not know how they survived. 2 or maybe even 3 times i was ready to yank them, to get their octopot’s, lol! One week, 35 degree’s and raining for days, had them laying on their sides.

Not only have they survived , but are now thriving in the 80 F temps and no rain. The OCTOPOT’s are just incredible, keep saying it, but they are. Without them, i had no chance of keeping those plants alive.

The " Window Sill Ladies" kicking midget ass too!

Tent 2

Tent 3


Nothing like a good midget ass kickin. edit little people ass kickin

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The Mac 1 is so so good , I can’t stay away from it while it is hang drying , lol

Stole another lil nugg for this am .


Damn @Jetdro Stuff looks like straight fire! Well done bro, gonna admit that pool shot was cruel but my old man has been in FL the last 45 days so I get random pool, boating, fishing, waterskiing, wakeboarding good morning shots! Lol I’m used to it


That’s a shame. Really did have excellent growth structure. Those sneaky sacks are interesting. I bet it definitely would of made a great father lol


Thanks man , it’s very good weed .

We are just back from a most excellent adventure along the creek . Last month we had a huge rain and flood , when that happens our little creek completely changes. We found and amazing spot along a bend with beautiful white sand , long gentle slope to the water , all manner of things for the pack to climb on and explore through . Didn’t bring cam or phone , will later when we go back .

At least till noon or so it’s tolllerable weather in summmer . Hard to believe near 90 here and most of country’s covered in snow