I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Holy fuck!! I take a short OG break and come back to you having a new thread at 800!! Mites are the devil. Took me 8 months to finally kill them all.


They are gone but still treating for them and still swapping mothers out


Back to our regularly scheduled programming in here:

Split Tent 1 this morning. Gonna work on Blue Dream and Strawberry Cough tomorrow. Give them today under the light by themselves, tommorrow will get them going wide and out.

The 3 extra’s went to the right, under my GLS 300(which kicks major ass btw, lol) . One of my Lost Cake’s is showing sex, the big one in front now, Female. Other two REFUSE to show me. The Lost Cap is looking fantastic, certainly Mac but stronger. Sure hope it’s not a male. My other Lost Cake not showing me either.

Tents 2 and 3 loving the 1100 PAR they are seeing now

Yesterday got an email said Cannatrol arrives today…today i got an email says tomorrow it comes… :poop: :face_with_monocle: :poop:


Morning Jet, plants look great. :sunglasses:

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mornin Colin! @ColeLennon

About to grow some WHOPPERS on left side of Tent 1 :sunglasses:

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Good afternoon all what’s up


Morning Pap. :sunglasses:


I just split Tent 1 into 2 sides…about to do some serious training on The Blue Dream Santa Cruz Cut and the Strawberry Cough cut. Gonna let the 2 have the whole 4x4 area and a 640 light to themselves.

WC still REFUSE to fucking root for me…15 days no roots, all other have rooted .

I KNOW she will root, yesterday i up ottted 5 WC’s from Dixie’s to 1 gallons and put on my livingroom window sill .

Waiting on my Cannatrol to arrive…yesterday they said today…today they say tomorrow.

Sunday the outside Octo ladies get the axe.

So thsts whats up with me.

Spent 3 GLORIOUS HOURS at the creek with the pups yesterday. 74F 40 humidity, creek cool and calm, was a fantastic fucking day for me!!!

Today im done with all chores…nothing to do…prolly heading creek bound in a bit

How bout you Pop’s…what ya doing…buying pots with no nets…whats wrong with you man, lol !!!


I hate nets. If I ever use a net, take me out back and shoot me.

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you mean net pots Colin ? If so, we MUST run them in the Octopots, but they cause no issues in that system @ColeLennon

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Oh I’m talking full nets over plants. I prefer cages and zip ties lol

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oh, never done that, until legal here never will i suppose.

When it is legal here…im growing an OGAH 15 foot tall and 25 foot across like Mendo Dope Boy’s run out in Cali, ALWAYS wanted to see what one could do outside under the big MH light!!!


Tent’s looking fantastic! I got my lights bumped up to 500w and everything’s happy.

What kinda bags are you using for the co2? Do you run exhaust fans 24/7? Sealed room or anything?
I’ve thought about it. I ran some bags or a bucket 20+ years ago but haven’t touched them since then. I’m definitely not in a sealed room these days either and my tent fan runs constantly. Wondering if it’d be worth or not :thinking:


Cold 27 degrees here when I walked the dog this morning

My latest set of clones 12 days no roots they look healthy to healthy lol

Got to water some plants today

Need to hand some selves in the garden room just no ambition lol :joy: ro I smoked too much

Mac is growing great for me Ty very much


Room not sealed, in fact Tent 1 stays open all day long till lights out. Do not run the circ after lights out. Lights on a whole bunch of air moving. Tent 1 has 2 large axial fans , one pulling in one pushing out, Tents 2 and 3 the same. Big fan middle of room sweeping across room . Large fan top of Tent 1 blowing straight down on canopy.

2 bags in Tent 1, 1 in each Tent 2 and 3 . Bags placed so air pushing in tent hits it, axial pulling from bottom right corner pulls it across the canopies.

What i will tell you is this. Tents 2 and 3 are seeing 1160 PAR middle of tent. NO WAY i could hit thst number without issues if i did not have the bags, been there, done that. At 1000 PAR i would see leaf Taco and bleaching. NOW, can, and will in a few weeks, hit them with 1200PAR and no issues.


I sent her out to 3 folk, all love her, full term your going to be amazed. Rock hard colored stinky stoney nugg’s of infinite delight await you :sunglasses:


Realize this thread is all over thee damn place, lol, just way i tend to work, but promise im getting bck to the TITLE of the thread.

Said up front would be a spell before The Dream and The Cough become even marginally interesting , it’s getting to that point. They now have a whole GLS 640 to just the 2 of them, and plenty of room now to stretch out. I MIGHT pull them (by anchoring off floor with wires) real wide to edges of the light, OR, keep them a bit narrower but let them go 8 foot tall.

Have not decided. I WILL NOT let them go 4 foot wide AND 8 foot tall. I diod that ONCE…lol, not gonna again .

So @schmarmpit in the next 3 weeks or so your cuts will get some attention. Not much for me to do while they are vegn and getting warmed up.

Dream is …WOW BEAUTIFUL. Been a minute or 6 since i ran a plant with her thin leaf. My God she is Sativa huh!!! BRanching like a mofo, she is gonna go big. HOPE she can hold herself up . If not gonna be a few miles of netting in there.

NOT impressed ONE BIT by The Cough. She is being run over by ALL my other plants, doesnt like training, and is behind. NO BIG DEAL, i have WC and MAC who both suck at seedling and veg stage then kick it in gear in flower. She is gonna take some effort on my part it appears if i do not want the Dream to run over her.

BET…just BET…the Dream becomes a stunning plant in about 4 weeks from now.

Thsnks Scharmster…appreciate the ladies, gonna try n do em right for you :sunglasses:


Was just looking over the flower room. I did a really good job on Tents 2 and 3. Finally , after 3 attempts, gonna have a full on no nonsense run of these 4 cuts! Bout damn time. See their 100% potential .

PAR is up, co2 bags working, air moving, plants are happy and starting to suck seriously from the rez’s. Geting to point of needing fill ups every 3 days or so, sign they are about to pack it on. Gonna whack 'em next fill with a big hit of flower nutes, 5 12 26 give them a “push start” on bud production. May see tip burn week after, but will be mininal and i dont care. Want a good push to bud production 100%. WC is done stretching, Mac has been for a bit.

Tried close ups of one of each strain :

Grape Pie

Lost Cake

Cereal Milk

Mac 1

Wedding Cake

Tent 1


What up @Floyd :sunglasses:

Not much. Just waiting for the wife to get home.

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