I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Did you carry the 2? I think you forgot to carry the 2 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Based off the numbers from the pictured graph, ~57.3F and ~62.5 humidity, the Jenn Air looks to have a closer value which better approximates the correct dew point of ~46.5 (45).


Well that would suck if the wine cooler outperforms the cannatrol that’s what? 3x the price? 68 degrees and ~60RH is my basement most of the year…


That wouldn’t surprise me. Wines much :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: bigger business than cannabis.


No it sure would not and cannot control it.

Y’all got it backwards…wine cooler IS NOT working with proper numbers, Cannatrol IS!


We dont want a DP of 45…we want 52-54 DP. @45 DP bud is losing flavor and mositure.


This thing is still amazing me. I THOUGHT it just adjusted DP by temp, but NO, it also can play with humidity!

I am using the “slope” function, which actually works! Started at 68F and 54 DP. Machine is slowly bringing DP down. Temp rock steady at 68, yet DP is steadily and surely going down. Appears to adjust it down by .2-.3 % every 6 hours or so.

Started at 68F 54.5 DP…last night was 68F 54 DP. Late last night, 68F 53.5 DP. This AM , 68F 52.8 DP!!!

GD thing ACTUALLY DOES what they claim it does!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!



The ladies like day 36 or so . Drinking the Rez’s DRY in 30 hours now, it’s certainly on now!


Looking great!

I’m at 46 days with the MAC. Exactly like I remember. Thanks again for getting her back to me!


Its the real deal 100% , you musta had her too.

WOW, didnt realize you had one in flip already??? Just one???


Yeah, ran her for a couple years. One of my first clones, from GrumpyOB. It’s been my mode for a couple years now. Running tons of cuts, 9 different strains in each tent. I only get like 1.5oz off each plant, but tons of variety. I can’t settle on anything yet to do a full run. I would miss the variety. If I can just narrow it down to 6 strains I’d be in much better shape.

This is the plant you sent. It was so huge when I got it from you that I took cuts right away. She rooted quick and I flowered the mom. She’s small but mighty. Even in this small frame she still produces all the way down the stem. Most strains don’t produce squat below the canopy in my cramped setup.


Yeah, thick all way to the pot, way she does it.

Im gonna run her straight up next time. No top, no training, let her Xmas tree, she WANTS to , and i want to see her like that too.

I have huge amounts of 3 killer strains here…yet i want more diversity, lol !!!

Ever since i pulled out seeds to send some off i have been thinking. I got a zillion, most i have never run .

Thinking im gonna do a 30-60 1 gallon pot 12/12 from seed run and test all this STUFF IVE BEEN HOARDING.

Would be very cool to do, i have a pump and hose to eliminate hand watering, could sit on my chair front of tent and reach all the pots with my 4 foot wand. More i think on it, more i realize im gonna do it


lol, my scale is different than yours. Thats an average cut for me, lol. I would CRY if i ran a 1.5 Z plant, just cannot go there. In my Octopots, if i do my part, 6 Z’s is near bottom haul from one, prolly average 8 or more with decent strains.

Realize if i do the 30-60 1 gallon pot run, im looking at 1 ounce plants…BUT it’s kinda like a pheno hunt…a strain hunt…si im ok with that. Be perfect for the Cannatrol


Yesssss!! That is my dream. Clear the seed catalog down real quick. I’ll be waiting for that show to go down!


Prezactly what im thinking, and then i get to try like 20 or so different buds. Become a cannasuer , lol


Is that 1st picture the Cereal Milk? Really nice looking plant. Now that I look at it more, I think thats the WC


That my plan for the lost cake if I had more room I’d do something different but one gal I can handle and have a good amount to search through


was it you or MLG that already putvdown some Lost Cake???

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First is Cereal Milk, she will always be the most colored in any tent , lol

About to post some pics of all 5, Grape Pie, Cereal Milk, Wedding Cake, Lost Cake, Mac1